Very nice shed. Is that your shop ??
Here are 3 photos of our shop. The truck bay area can house up to 5 vans at one time and still have room both sides, front and back. We raised the roof to 16' for almost 60', so we could put tractor trailers in there, too.Heat out there isn't great, but in our 17 years there, it has done well.
The other is our old paint room, which still sees a lotta painting, but more vinyl work is done in there, these days. It's also the place that houses most of our tools and the Keen Cutter and Fletcher. The far end is a one-armed bandit with racks. The other picture is the reason for this post. We built a second floor around the top of our flatbed room. This was the original vinyl room, until 2009, when we purchased our flatbed. There are more rooms and work areas. The whole shop is around 8,800 sq ft
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