Welcome from PA………..
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. If you think a sign shop is going to give you a hassle for a small order like this…. how do you think it will be when you’re doing it for yourself ?? Although it sounds easy and shouldn’t cost a lot and you say you aren’t going to compete with the local sign companies…. then why enter into such an adventure to help your customers that’s going to cost you quite a bit up front and won’t pay for itself for a year or two at least… especially if you think $12.00 each is too much ??
No Olga…. it sounds very much like you want to enter into the sign industry and you will HAVE to compete with the very sign shops that already do this for a living and know what they’re doing. Going into the sign business because of getting bad service or bad prices is one thing, if you have desire to do good….. but your attitude doesn’t say the same thing. Anyway, one would wonder how two or three shops screwed so much up. If everything was their fault, you might have a chance of passing them and putting out a better product, but you’d need to have a better approach than the current one you’re sporting.
If you wanna get into this field….. I invite you to please step up and say so…… if not, find a professional local shop to produce this for you and do the files for them. Then no one can complain anymore.
Last thing…. again,if you do enter into this trade…. don’t ever think a day or two is waiting too long. Believe it or not, you might end up getting three customers and not getting everything out in 24 hours all the time. Someone has to be first and someone has to be last and guess who comes last…. the last guy in the door…. not the little paying jobs.