I know some people don't care about semantics, but what's going on, even the response from Cadlink, is about official support of an older version on a newer OS. One may get it to work, it may take tweaks in order to do so (by tweaks I mean may have to do something a little extra to get it to work), but as far as official support, it isn't there on newer OSs. Regardless if you get it to work or not on the OS.
Here is the kicker, on Windows 10, given it's rolling release, perpetual beta nature, any new version (especially if it's a big update) one runs the risk of it fubar'ing the legacy software. It may be in this Spring update or it may be some update 3 yrs down the line, but if that update fubars the install, at that point in time, more then likely going to have to pony up for the update or go with a different software vendor.