That's quite a bit of drop-out on the Yellow/Magenta head. Do you have an earlier test print to compare it with, to see if it's truly getting worse?
As it is, my guess is that the head is damaged in those areas. But it could be simply that the nozzles are plugged up.
What you could try is manually cleaning them by the following method: And by the way, I'm not undertaking any responsibility for any damage that could result from this, but it's a method I've done myself.
Park the heads in the cleaning mode way to the left. Soak a soft cleaning swab in cleaning fluid. Using your index finger placed along the back of the swab press up (absolutely no side to side or back and forth movements) and down as if you were "pumping" the cleaning fluid into the head. Keep the swab well loaded with fluid. You may have to do this for 10 minutes or so. Press, hold a few seconds, then relax, press then relax.
Close everything back up and re-run the test. Compare it with your earlier test. If there's improvement, then continue the swab presses.
Be careful not to rub the heads, the idea is to press and pump those cleaning fluids into what may be clogged heads.
Anyway, try it at your own risk. If the head is indeed damaged you can't hurt needs to be replaced. About $1000.00
Hope this helps.