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Sniper school shirt design


New Member
Love your work.
this one not so much

This one it seems to copy paste to me..
Two guns facing opposite directions.
flags the same way.
The biochemical symbol.. Not for guns and snipers.

Just my .02


Art! Hot and fresh.
Thanks for the replies guys, I will start with the first one ... I love you too Addy

The one shot one kill slogan is way over used. Also, the guys your describing sound more like designated marksmen than snipers. Snipers by their very definition hide, crawl around, then wait days for a kill shot. The guys your describing probably have designated posts and work shifts or deploy when there is a needed incident.

Not knocking the guys doing the job just don't like it when I see a term like "sniper" used for every guy taking a shot further than 300 yards.

Thanks for looking at the pocket design (the biohazard) ... I love to see your skills at reading have improved.

This looks like something out of a high school mechanical drawing class.

It's a bunch of stuff in a symmetrical arrangement, seldom a good idea, where everything is just floating around. The gun silhouettes are far too complex and, other that some anal urge for symmetry, why two of them? The eagle thing looks like something that fell off a Nazi flag. The type face is completely predictable and thus passe. The weights of the text, the eagle thing, and the guns, vary sufficiently to create visual discord which then fights with the attempted symmetry of the thing.

It has no soul, no feel. It looks like a collection of clip-art in a primitive child-like arrangement.

My original idea was the eagle holding the rifle and the eagle to be more complex (life like with it screaming) but that was easily chunked due to budget and time constraints and is in their folder in case they want to pursue that later. It's funny ... when designing this I thought it was absolutely nazi-esque but after talking to the customer they wanted something that would be easily re-produced with spot printing on shirts and for other graphics applications. Gun is actual gun, so simplifying it wasn't an option since every notch and dial needed to be accounted for ... over the weekend I actually vectored the gun out completely into it's parts (for fun and because I was a little bored from making screen presses all weekend) ... that is one complex piece of equipment ... took 112 vector objects to create just the mechanical parts.

How would you treat the weight issue while keeping the bird the same and knowing the gun can't get less complex?

  • graphicwarning
    I'm not sure about the two guns myself, but the rest doesn't seem too bad.

    I had a cousin that was a designated marksman in the Marine Corps, and he had a shirt I always chuckled at... it said "Don't run, you'll only die tired" hahaha​
  • Yesterday, 10:06 AM
    I agree about the two guns, it just doesn't look right, more like someone using clip art just to balance a design. Asemetrical design can work.

    My Airborne brother had a shirt "long distance is the next best thing to being there"​
  • 11-16-2013, 08:20 PM

    The only thing I don't like is that there are two guns on a shirt that reads ONE SHOT, it only needs one gun, in the center on the bottom.

    the one gun also balances the layout better than chucking two guns side by side as that is just too much mirror image and it needs it​
  • 11-16-2013, 03:48 PM
    The only thing I don't like is that there are two guns on a shirt that reads ONE SHOT, it only needs one gun, in the center on the bottom.

    Love your work.
    this one not so much

    This one it seems to copy paste to me..
    Two guns facing opposite directions.
    flags the same way.
    The biochemical symbol.. Not for guns and snipers.

    Just my .02​

  • Laserman, flags are opposite because the one on the right arm is apparently some military thing where it means you are moving forward. and the bio symbol is because of the plant where they are ... nukes and chemical weapons you know. :p

    I'm not too sure I agree with the 2 gun thing, as the straps wouldn't fit in the eagle claws and look like straps, it can't be double crossed like a jolly roger (too big of a gun) and just one slapped below, behind, around, etc just didn't work ... since it seems to be the biggest issue and one I had the hardest time with ... how you guys go about incorporating it. Customer already accepted the artwork so now I'm just trying to learn from this design (being as how simple it is vs my ussual illustration work that has me hovering over my drafting table like quasimodo)

    I also uploaded the final which I was attempting to fix the uneven quality of the guns as well.​


  • Untitled-2.jpg
    45 KB · Views: 104

Locals Find!

New Member
My apologies Tyrant. I overlooked the bio hazard logo completely. Upon looking closer. I see the designated marksman. Long hours, lots of stress make for a **** poor addy.

Please disregard all earlier commentary regarding snipers etc.. Still don't like the one shot one kill thing too overused too much in my opinion. However, my opinion aint worth much these days.


Art! Hot and fresh.
That would take the fun out of it though, don't you think player? I mean give the guy a sporting chance, One shot, One kill and serious limp. :peace!: