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Suzuki Hayabusa + Sierra Nevada's ....................... What's a plotter?
Sooo jealous that you live where you do with roads like that!!! Beautiful Busa btw

Suzuki Hayabusa + Sierra Nevada's ....................... What's a plotter?
If you can go with your plotter back in time can you go back to when Old Paint was making $600 hand painting a set of doors with a quart of muddy 1-Shot and a dirty Q-Tip and tell him to invest heavily in Roland, Summa & Graphtec.........
wayne k
guam usa
I have had a gerber envision 15", a summa 30" and two graphtec 54". While the graphtecs can cut very fast, the quality is not quite on par with the summa or sprocket fed envision at the higher speeds. As someone pointed out the biggest drawback with the graphtec's is that it will yank on the roll if you don't have enough pre rolled out (or you can run it at significantly slower speed). The summa was design to stop cutting every so many feet and slowly roll out material then go back to position and cut. Basically it pre rolled its own material. It is a great feature that I would kill to have on our graphtec's. Back when we had the 30" Summa it was a daily occurence to run 150 to 300 feet of vinyl through it in a day. I think our record was around 500-600 feet in one day. That joker would cook. Man I miss it....
Here is a local advertisement... View attachment 98342
Exactly. "STARTING AT" is just a "Loss Leader" statement.
"Oh, you want a logo... that's $25 extra. Oh, more than one color? Yeah, that's going to be $15 per color."
Customer: "Your sign said you'd do my doors for $20"
Umm, yeah if it was just one color and looked exactly like this: "BOB'S REPAIR SERVICE" in Helvetica, black vinyl. And that's per door anyway.