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So.... What is everyone going to do for Thanksgiving?


Premium Subscriber
Ya know, this question was a little premature for the asking. Heck, by then..... Trump might pull ahead and win, the vaccine will be out and the whole world will be saved because of the ol' Trump. Yeah, it could happen. That's the ticket. So, I take back what I said. I thought it was this weekend, but we have almost a week. That's plenty of time, just like the last two minutes of a football game. Guess I'll just go on a snipe hunt.


New Member
I'm going to have an anxiety attack for Thanksgiving. It's already starting. Had plans, now most likely will have to cancel, haven't fully decided yet (waiting on intel)... Quite frankly, I'm getting depressed. :(
Tell me about it Boudica. My first session is free.


New Member
I live in the People's Republic of California, the PRC as we like to call it.
Aha! Saw this photo of your governor:



I'm here for Educational Purposes
First I marked that Hilarious, but changed it because that is the first thing that has made me chuckle all day. So I appreciate that! Thank you.


New Member
First I marked that Hilarious, but changed it because that is the first thing that has made me chuckle all day. So I appreciate that! Thank you.
Glad to be of service. I was momentarily concerned I ran afoul of the solicitation policy at S101, but I guess one can't be considered professional if they don't charge.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
We just got our holiday 'guidelines' and one iron-clad rule download today.

The rule: No gatherings of more than 5 people that are not members of a single household.
If you choose to go to someone else's house there can only be 5 total - guests and hosts included.

Normal guidelines
Wear a mask
6ft distancing
Wash hands

The following preventive measures are also recommended:
● Bring your own food, drinks, plates, cups, and utensils.
● Avoid going in and out of the areas where food is being prepared or handled, such as in
the kitchen.

Consider Other Thanksgiving Activities
Host a virtual Thanksgiving meal with friends and family who don’t live with you.
● Schedule a time to share a meal together virtually.
● Have people share recipes and show their turkey, dressing, or other dishes they prepared.
● Watch movies, sports, or other television shows at home.
● Find a fun game to play.
● Safely prepare traditional dishes and deliver them to family and neighbors in a way that
does not involve contact with others (for example, leave them on the porch).
● Participate in a gratitude activity, like writing down things you are grateful for and
sharing with your friends and family.

This could be the best Thanksgiving ever!
No annoying relatives allowed - can't bring their out-of-control kids to wreck the house
Everyone required to open up their phones and proceed to ignore all others in the room.
Make and eat the food you want to eat, don't touch anyone else's
No one forced to try Auntie's Meatloaf Surprise.
If you want to give food - throw it on their porch like a UPS delivery van (don't stop or slow down).

As good as all this sounds I can't wait to see what they come up with for Christmas.

what state are you in?
I am in Texas and we are going to Pensacola to visit my son in the Navy. So far there are no restrictions, so I'm going. I haven't seen my boy since August. I guess I'm playing with the Devil.

Andy D

Active Member
what state are you in?
I am in Texas and we are going to Pensacola to visit my son in the Navy. So far there are no restrictions, so I'm going. I haven't seen my boy since August. I guess I'm playing with the Devil.
ushhay onway ethay atestay estionquay, ehay iveslay inway omesay eirdway 3rday orldway ountrycay...

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
I had to get out my pig latin translator!

But hey, if we have gatherings at thanksgiving, apparently we will have deaths at christmas.


Very Active Signmaker
New Mexico is in full lockdown now...shelter in place. Michigan is getting close. California is getting curfews. Texas governor came on TV few nights ago and said we will never shut down.


Active Member
I will be taking advantage of your late (Or ours is early) Thanksgiving, and doing a ton of black Friday shopping.

Building my first PC in a decade... supply chain ontop of such huge leaps in performance are making it challenging. It's taken me months to get enough parts for it to function...still trying to get a 3080, if it ever comes back in stock.

We canceled all our plans over here - We just entered a no family or friends get together restriction... supposed to last until December, but from what I've seen so far the restrictions may slow the virus down, but it never really flattens it and restrictions just get extended and extended and extended... so we gave up and aren't doing X-mas, just like we didnt do thanksgiving (I'm an Introvert and with all the work time I put in I barely get to spend time with the wife and kid...so it's a blessing in disguise! Love my family, but I'm not going to knock on spending more time with my wife and kid).

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving! whether it's a normal nothing changed one, or a smaller than usual one!


Active Member
Sleep in, get up and put some Vanilla Ice Cream in my coffee along with some Kahlua, get some work done without the phone ringing, Have another cup of Dr. Joe, Have a light lunch, Watch a football game, Drink a beer or two, pick my nose, have a turkey Dinner with family, Drink a glass of wine, Take a nap, watch a flick and take a long nap until morning and start over. Whooptodoo.


Very Active Signmaker
I will be taking advantage of your late (Or ours is early) Thanksgiving, and doing a ton of black Friday shopping.

Building my first PC in a decade... supply chain ontop of such huge leaps in performance are making it challenging. It's taken me months to get enough parts for it to function...still trying to get a 3080, if it ever comes back in stock.

We canceled all our plans over here - We just entered a no family or friends get together restriction... supposed to last until December, but from what I've seen so far the restrictions may slow the virus down, but it never really flattens it and restrictions just get extended and extended and extended... so we gave up and aren't doing X-mas, just like we didnt do thanksgiving (I'm an Introvert and with all the work time I put in I barely get to spend time with the wife and kid...so it's a blessing in disguise! Love my family, but I'm not going to knock on spending more time with my wife and kid).

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving! whether it's a normal nothing changed one, or a smaller than usual one!
Black Friday is dead here in the US. Yall still doing that up there?

The Big Squeegee

Long Time Member
Our plans are the same as every year. We won't let the new seasonal flu change our lifestyle. And, I won't get the vaccine either. Vaccines hystoricly have been useless because they only protect from a previous strain.