rushworks graphics
New Member
i have some photos for a menu were doing. some of the plates are on off cream kinda color, some are white. to make them stand out i've had to brighten up the plates alittle. there anyway of making the creamy colored plate more white? all i need it the plate part whitened, not the food on the plate, so adjusting for color/brightness etc isn't cutting it.
i'm in no manner a ps person, i'm very slowly starting to learn whats what in ps and starting to play around with filters/plugins etc so please forgive the simplistic question!!! basically is there a way to single out the edge of the plate and isolate that to make that color alittle brighter????
i'm in no manner a ps person, i'm very slowly starting to learn whats what in ps and starting to play around with filters/plugins etc so please forgive the simplistic question!!! basically is there a way to single out the edge of the plate and isolate that to make that color alittle brighter????