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some advice on ps picture

i have some photos for a menu were doing. some of the plates are on off cream kinda color, some are white. to make them stand out i've had to brighten up the plates alittle. now......is there anyway of making the creamy colored plate more white? all i need it the plate part whitened, not the food on the plate, so adjusting for color/brightness etc isn't cutting it.

i'm in no manner a ps person, i'm very slowly starting to learn whats what in ps and starting to play around with filters/plugins etc so please forgive the simplistic question!!! basically is there a way to single out the edge of the plate and isolate that to make that color alittle brighter????
yep, plate has been masked and i have brightened up the pic alittle, but i would love to be able to take the edge of the plate and brighten that part up if possable.


New Member
Heck yes. By fooling with the tolerance settings in your selection tool (magic wand probably would work best) you should be able to ultimately just select the highlites or portions of the plate you wish to change color to.

Or do an image adjustment to just that portion. (create a separate layer after making the selection)

It would help (if you need additional comments) to sort of see exactly what you're trying to accomplish.
this is the origanal jpeg, i have masked it so the background is not showing now, but you can see the plate is kinda creamy/yellow and it would be great to be able to lighten that up.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Curves. Here's a good opportunity to learn to use curves.

Found under Image --> Adjustments ( Ctrl-M )

Letterbox Mike

New Member
I'm not at work so I don't have PS in front of me but you can also "replace color", I think it's under the adjustments menu. This brings up a dialog box that lets you eyedrop the color you want to change, adjust the "fuzziness" of the selection, and then change that color to any other color. It only works as a blanket adjustment across the whole image, so if the color you want to change is also prevalent elsewhere in the image it will also change that. For what you're describing "ivory/cream changed to white" even if the color did appear elsewhere in the image the shift may not be overly noticeable.
try this


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Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Here's a shot at it using Curves to remove light coverages of yellow while not affecting the more intense yellow levels.

It was trickier than I thought as the image seems to have quite an orange colour cast.

I have no idea if this is what you're looking for...

<edit> Whoa!!! that looks even worse on my not-so-good monitor i use for my browser...


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Another quickie. Used the dodge tool, brush softness set to near zero, midtones on 40% exposure. Lots of ways to accomplish this. Creating a mask is sometimes more effort than what is really needed. This was literally about 30 seconds work. Obviously I'd spend a couple minutes zoomed in and playing with my brush size and edge softness to be a little more detailed for production work.


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PC Signs

New Member
Lighting, its all about the lighting

This was obviously shot under the lights at the restaurant. Photoshop can smell this, here is a one click fix - "Auto Tone"


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hey wes, yeah your right. first thing i tried to be honest was the auto tone and auto contrast...auto color just washed out the color completly, but auto tone and contrast worked good.

the curves feature looks like it will do the trick on the plates so, i'll do a test print see how they come out.