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Someone from Future Corp. / FutureRip PLEASE HELP!


New Member
Hi, if anyone from Future Corp. / FutureRip is out there PLEASE HELP!

I have been writing you folks for a month asking for the driver and profiles for FutureRip to drive my Mutoh Falcon Outdoor 62".

Why are these items not on the disk or your website?

It is not like this is a brand new printer, surly I am not the first one to need these items.

At first I was OK with even emailing you guys for these items, however after a month of multiple different emails to your company were never replied to in any capacity, my patience has been beyond tested.

You all have 48 hours to reply to me or I will be buying a "Big Box" program to do what you guys have not been able to do to this point. Which would be unfortunate because I really like your software and was looking forward to using your RIP.

Sign-Man Signs

Who the hell is Future Rip. Think the name says it all.


New Member
Sign Man...

It's Good to know "...you are not an A$$ hole all the time."

The appropriate parties know who they are, if you have nothing to contribute, then take your opinion elsewhere.

Sign-Man Signs

It's Good to know "...you are not an A$$ hole all the time."

The appropriate parties know who they are, if you have nothing to contribute, then take your opinion elsewhere.

Temper, temper Sonny. Just making a wise crack. Sorry you spent a crap load on a crap load of software. As you can see by the many replies, now one knows who you are talking about, except Fred. He knows everyone.
We use Flexi Pro which does Rip for our Mutoh. There, now we can be friends again.

Support Numbers:
Email : support@Aricent.com
Phone : +91 44 2433 0550
Fax : +91 44 2434 4157

If you wish to speak to our support engineers, call +91 44 2433 0550 from Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.30 pm (IST)


New Member
The future rip shaun morrell hangs round and posts regularly at another board.. signforums Dot com.


New Member
Thanks Fred...

Shaun Morrell is who you need. He last logged on here yesterday.

Fred - Thanks for the reply, I know you were just trying to help.

I am aware that Shaun is just one the parties that are capable of helping me with my situation. I was trying to be PC and not throw anyone (by name) under the bus and resolve this problem fairly quietly. Since we have already crossed that bridge though, why not call everyone on the carpet.

However, after numerous emails to Shaun, Tony (tech support) and John Williams I have decided to take my situation public. I could have written Shaun a PM, but I have already given them way to many chances to make this situation right privately. Now it has become time that I publicize my struggle and try to possible help, so someone else won't have to be victimized like myself.

What are we to do when the people that sell us their products and services don't fulfill on their obligations.

I have done what they have requested by contacting them for the items that I need to properly install and configure their product. I was forced to do this because they do not send the driver or profiles for my 6 year old printer on the disk with the software. Nor, do they put them on their website for immediate download for registered or legitimate users. As a matter of fact, they direct you to contact them directly, both on the install disk and on their website. So again, all I am doing is what they have asked users of their product to do.

I was initially fine with this process of contacting them directly, however, after OVER one month of trying with one minimal response, I have reached a breaking point.
This is the response I recieved to my initial email sent on Sunday, 24 February 2008 3:11 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2:32:19 PM
No problems with the Mutoh... write to tony@futurerip.com


John Williams
Again, I am just asking for what I need to SET-UP my software, not extended or over-reaching abuse of tech support by asking them to hold my hand and teach me how to use their software.

They are costing my business thousands of dollars by forcing me to outsource my printing because of their lack of support!

Unfortunately, this is an all to common topic on many of the sign forum websites when it comes to Future Corp. / FutureRIP / VMP. I know that many other users of their product report similar situations with their lack of support. I am tired of Future Corp. holding myself and MANY other users hostage to the poor business practice of little to NO after sale support for their product.

Chances are, if and when I get a response from someone it will be the typical excuses; "We were having some server trouble", "We didn't get your emails" or one of their many other popular excuses. You will see this to be true with the a little digging on this site and many others. I don't know how a company smart enough to write multiple different sign industry programs can have so much server downtime and technical difficulties. Especially for over a month.

If I were to treat my customers with this type of poor service, I would not be in business for very long. There is much more detail I could go into regarding the efforts of my email attempts, but they are extensive and longer than choose to go into detail of right now.

Now if you will excuse me, I must go back to setting up a job going to someone nice enough to help me out with my current outsourcing situation.


New Member
You say that you are "losing thousands of dollars" outsourcing prints because you can't get this to work...

so why are you trying to save a few bucks on a cheapo RIP and a 5-6yo printer??

A brand new 64" Mutoh & Onyx RIP only costs $500-600/mo. The increase in print speed & quality are worth it alone.

Seems like if you are really "losing thousands" then springing for a few hundred should be a no brainer.


New Member
If you can't help then keep your 2 cents...

You say that you are "losing thousands of dollars" outsourcing prints because you can't get this to work...

so why are you trying to save a few bucks on a cheapo RIP and a 5-6yo printer??

A brand new 64" Mutoh & Onyx RIP only costs $500-600/mo. The increase in print speed & quality are worth it alone.

Seems like if you are really "losing thousands" then springing for a few hundred should be a no brainer.

I don't want the $500 to $600 payment. Been there, done that! That is not what I want or need right now. I have the printer of my choosing for my application. I also have my choice in a RIP, however, without them supporting their customers and product it is just a shiny drink coaster. If they cannot deliver the most basic items essential to configure their software, then I will do what any smart business person would do, cut my loses and move on to my next choice in software.

This would be unfortunate, because the software is quite competent and capable for "inexpensive" rip software. I say inexpensive, because unless one plans to spend a few thousand dollars on rip software, FutureRIP will do anything any of the entry-level, "Large Corporate" software programs will do and much more. It is one of the best RIP's out there, regardless of its price point. It is not for everyone, but if you know how to use it, it can again be just as good as many of the "big box" programs

It is just a shame that they have given a good set of products a bad wrap with poor support.

Again, I am just looking for the core essentials to set-up the software. I am not looking for them to hold my hand and teach me how to use and configure their program. Already good to go in that area, just need drivers and profiles, THAT"S ALL!

Just want what I was sold!


New Member
If you can't help then keep your 2 cents...

You better save my two cents. Sounds like you need all the money you can get...

Save it up for a good printer & a RIP.
After all, someday that 5-6yo printer of yours will be 10-12yrs old...by then you might have saved enough to buy my used Mutoh!

Is this a new business for you, starting with hand me down equipment??

Their website lists phone numbers for support. Call them.

I like this part:

You all have 48 hours to reply to me or I will be buying a "Big Box" program

I'm sure they are shaking in their boots over your scary ultimatum. I thought you were going to say "or fluffy the kitty gets killed"


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New Member
This would be unfortunate, because the software is quite competent and capable for "inexpensive" rip software. I say inexpensive, because unless one plans to spend a few thousand dollars on rip software, FutureRIP will do anything any of the entry-level, "Large Corporate" software programs will do and much more. It is one of the best RIP's out there, regardless of its price point. It is not for everyone, but if you know how to use it, it can again be just as good as many of the "big box" programs.

If it was that good, dont you think it would be working for you right now?


New Member
I find it unfortunate that the software rep posts on another board at regular intervals but merely logs in here to take a look see.

It doesn't matter if the software cost 500 or 5 grand. If someone buys it then support should be universal and equal no matter where he posts.


New Member
Your email is bounced back!

Hi Joe

I have written to you time and time again as has Tony and this what we always get back:

From: System Administrator
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 2:13 PM
To: 'performasigns@comcast.net'
Subject: Undeliverable: RE: URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!!!!!

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: RE: URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!!!!!
Sent: 3/28/2008 3:08 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'performasigns@comcast.net' on 3/30/2008 2:12 PM
Could not deliver the message in the time limit specified. Please retry or contact your administrator.
<fcserver.futurecorporation.local #4.4.7>

This is typical of all the people who complain about our tech support… The truth is we receive dozens of emails each day asking questions about this or that and ALL of them are replied to – each and every one – I know this because we have an auditing system which continually reminds us to reply to every legitimate email.

The fact is emails do fail to get through or be received – there are published statistics on this and we have a folder with hundreds of these messages that we keep as evidence of this very fact.

I just missed this post as I try to check every forum as often as I can.
If you cannot get us send us a fax to +1-720-221-3685 or +613-9364-6511

Joe, Tony has sent you the drivers and profiles for Mutoh several times but they are always bounced back!!

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