There are a few things to follow-up on here, so I'll go one by one:
That is interesting, not sure how that tag came about.
I try to keep a "benefit of the doubt" philosophy and I'm struggling on this one. It's hard to imagine that it came about any other way than copying ours. I think most in our industry would agree that copying is not cool.
But also you guys are in Ruckersville, so you aren't located in Charlottesville, so that tag doesn't make any sense.
This seems to be an attempt to distract and justify your actions. But in response, the fact that our two facilities are not located in Charlottesville has little to do with our service area. I would be shocked if we didn't do more business in Charlottesville than several companies like yours, combined. That's not a shot at you or the other fine companies in our market. But clearly, the location of our facilities is irrelevant to where our customers come from and even more so removed from the issue of plagiarism.
I know Robbie, he is a good guy,
I am Robbie and I appreciate the statement. Over the years, we've learned our strengths and tried to play to them. That means when a client comes to us with needs that don't align with our strengths, we try to get them to someone that can do a better job of helping them. I don't think we are unique in this way. We, too, receive referrals from other sign companies.
Several people within our company and I, personally, have referred potential clients to you. I assume that is how you've developed an opinion of me. Other than that, I'm not sure that we've ever met and can only recall one brief telephone conversation with you.
but Catherine on the other hand... That's another story.
Again, this is an attempt to distract from the core issue, which seems to be your "go to" modus operandi. But I'll bite.
Katherine is my wife and the mother of our 4 children. Any success that our company has achieved has been through her hard work and leadership. She has built a company that provides primary income for 10 families and counting. She works circles around you and your revolving door of unfortunate newbs, Bri-On. The fact that you hold a less than favorable opinion of her only reinforces what a good job she is doing.
Taken in total, your response makes it clear to me what you are obviously responsible for deliberately copying the title tag. That, the title tag, in itself, is somewhat a non-issue. It's not some amazing, business making tool. We'll change ours soon, to avoid any confusion.
To me, the issue is handling a mistake. We all make them. I'll make a dozen before lunch. But, man, I sure hope I can do a better job of owning them.
Best of luck to you.