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Something has changed


New Member
I have never posted in a political or biblical thread, because these things are opinion based. And I really have no interest in throwing my opinion around on these things because people get raged, and it's really not going to change anything. I think the biggest problem for threads that matter to our industry is this: When someone comes on and pleads for help, a "professional" comes on and gives the wrong advice on something that will, in the end, fail.

That guy gets blasted, and then a war begins. Also most OP's need to learn when you ask for a critique, and you get it - don't cry and try to explain why what you have is OK. Take what you asked for.

Don't tell someone to wet apply reflective, when they're having problems installing it, or to remove rivets to wrap a trailer. I mean seriously... If you don't know, you don't know.


New Member
It's a sign of the times. Everywhere... everyone is on edge about everything. No one can tolerate anything for more than about 2 minutes before they explode and do something stoopid.

I think we all live with so much stress everyday from our own lives and with what is happening in the world around us that it doesn't take much to snap. it is like coming home from a hellish day of work, having some fool tailgate you the entire way only to get home and see someone has blocked your driveway and you have to lug a 25 pound bag of kitty up a hill. you get inside the house, throw in the steak under the broiler and smell that your cat did a dump of epic proportions. lucky you have that 25 pound bag but it is more like 10 pounds as the bag leaked all over. as you are hauling the trash bad of poo and dirty litter the bag breaks spilling it all over the carpet just as the smoke alarm goes off because your $20 steak is burning. the phone starts ringing and the cat goes nuts because of all the noise from the smoke alarm and phone, runs up your legs leaving gashes and scrapes. just about then your husband comes in as asks if he has any clean shirts and you tell him just what he can do with his shirts. that is just about how most people feel most days so when we hear something that just sounds stupid at the time, we blow up here or in real life. stress, yep, I blame stress....can you tell how my day has been going?


New Member
I can fix it.
Boston - Peace of Mind

Now if youre feelin kinda low bout the dues you,ve been paying
Futures coming much too slow
And you wanna run but somehow you just keep on stayin
Cant decide on which way to go
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I understand about indecision
But I dont care if I get behind
People livin in competition
All I want is to have my peace of mind.

Now youre climbin to the top of the company ladder
Hope it doesnt take too long
Cantcha you see therell come a day when it wont matter
Come a day when youll be gone

I understand about indecision
But I dont care if I get behind
People li vin in competition
All I want is to have my peace of mind.

Take a look ahead, take a look ahead, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Now everybodys got advice they just keep on givin
Doesnt mean too much to me

Lots of people out to make-believe theyre livin
Cant decide who they should be.

I understand about indecision
But I dont care if I get behind
People li vin in competition
All I want is to have my peace of mind.

Take a look ahead, take a look ahead. look ahead.


Premium Subscriber
I think we all live with so much stress everyday from our own lives and with what is happening in the world around us that it doesn't take much to snap. it is like coming home from a hellish day of work, having some fool tailgate you the entire way only to get home and see someone has blocked your driveway and you have to lug a 25 pound bag of kitty up a hill. you get inside the house, throw in the steak under the broiler and smell that your cat did a dump of epic proportions. lucky you have that 25 pound bag but it is more like 10 pounds as the bag leaked all over. as you are hauling the trash bad of poo and dirty litter the bag breaks spilling it all over the carpet just as the smoke alarm goes off because your $20 steak is burning. the phone starts ringing and the cat goes nuts because of all the noise from the smoke alarm and phone, runs up your legs leaving gashes and scrapes. just about then your husband comes in as asks if he has any clean shirts and you tell him just what he can do with his shirts. that is just about how most people feel most days so when we hear something that just sounds stupid at the time, we blow up here or in real life. stress, yep, I blame stress....can you tell how my day has been going?

But you left out the good parts, like what color was the guy tailgating you and what religious background was the person who sold you the kitty litter and best of all...... are you gonna be late for your KKK meeting due to all of this and will they accept you, now that you've come out of the closet and told them you are a lesbian trapped in a male's body ?? :omg:

Anyone need a picture ??


John Butto

New Member
Roseanne Roseannadanna

I think we all live with so much stress everyday from our own lives and with what is happening in the world around us that it doesn't take much to snap. it is like coming home from a hellish day of work, having some fool tailgate you the entire way only to get home and see someone has blocked your driveway and you have to lug a 25 pound bag of kitty up a hill. you get inside the house, throw in the steak under the broiler and smell that your cat did a dump of epic proportions. lucky you have that 25 pound bag but it is more like 10 pounds as the bag leaked all over. as you are hauling the trash bad of poo and dirty litter the bag breaks spilling it all over the carpet just as the smoke alarm goes off because your $20 steak is burning. the phone starts ringing and the cat goes nuts because of all the noise from the smoke alarm and phone, runs up your legs leaving gashes and scrapes. just about then your husband comes in as asks if he has any clean shirts and you tell him just what he can do with his shirts. that is just about how most people feel most days so when we hear something that just sounds stupid at the time, we blow up here or in real life. stress, yep, I blame stress....can you tell how my day has been going?
That was a the best story I have read on here in a long time. You even made me smell that cat dump.


New Member
My .02, devalued of course....

I've said this many times and it may be the first here, I dunno. When typing away the thoughts and answering posts, things get lost in translation. There is no way to see a hand jesture, a smile, voice inflection or body language. Those who've met me in person, know I'm pretty much what you see is what you get. By that same token, if someone is here at my shop and I call them a dumbass and I'm shaking my head and laughing as I do it, it's known as no malice intended.
If it's typed out, there's three ways to see it, A. as I intended, (probably) in jest, B. taken as an insult, C. everyone else grabbing popcorn waiting to interject one way or the other.



New Member
I think we all live with so much stress everyday from our own lives and with what is happening in the world around us that it doesn't take much to snap. it is like coming home from a hellish day of work, having some fool tailgate you the entire way only to get home and see someone has blocked your driveway and you have to lug a 25 pound bag of kitty up a hill. you get inside the house, throw in the steak under the broiler and smell that your cat did a dump of epic proportions. lucky you have that 25 pound bag but it is more like 10 pounds as the bag leaked all over. as you are hauling the trash bad of poo and dirty litter the bag breaks spilling it all over the carpet just as the smoke alarm goes off because your $20 steak is burning. the phone starts ringing and the cat goes nuts because of all the noise from the smoke alarm and phone, runs up your legs leaving gashes and scrapes. just about then your husband comes in as asks if he has any clean shirts and you tell him just what he can do with his shirts. that is just about how most people feel most days so when we hear something that just sounds stupid at the time, we blow up here or in real life. stress, yep, I blame stress....can you tell how my day has been going?
If that's all you got , stop your whining ! :ROFLMAO:






Don't let life get to you.
I don't dwell on anything for more than a couple of minutes.
No matter how bad it gets , it ain't nothing but a thing that will pass.




Quit buggin' me
I think it all started when Booth shot Lincoln at the theater.
It's been going down hill ever since.

wayne k
guam usa

John Butto

New Member

I think it all started when Booth shot Lincoln at the theater.
It's been going down hill ever since.

wayne k
guam usa
Having deep roots in the South. it started going downhill when Lincoln was elected president. And I, as an American take that your off topic nasty comment to be in poor taste as mine just was.


New Member
It's surely time someone in this thread got butthurt and it has to be closed down..


I wonder often how much of the undesired behavior is related to the recession. Its been very rough for a lot of people since late 2008. I work with people making 1/4th of what they used to and know many struggling.

I went back back to working full time in 2009 and was laid off twice from the industry. I finally have things going well, but I still am not back to my regular income. Pay is low while rent goes sky high because so many have lost their homes and moved into rentals. There are not a lot of opportunities out there.

When people are stressed they are less rational and considerate of others imo.

I am happy to say that I saw an increase in hiring for what we do in the last 6 months of 2012 (at least in my area).


Quit buggin' me
Having deep roots in the South. it started going downhill when Lincoln was elected president. And I, as an American take that your off topic nasty comment to be in poor taste as mine just was.

As a fellow American, born in SOUTH Dakota, I am not sure I understand your reply.

wayne k
guam usa

John Butto

New Member

As a fellow American, born in SOUTH Dakota, I am not sure I understand your reply.

wayne k
guam usa
You wrote like it was a bad thing that Lincoln was shot in the theater by John Wilkes Booth; and after that everything has been going downhill. I do not agree with that statement especially after thousands upon thousands of American lives were just lost. Young men and women from America stripped of their lives because people from both sides disagreed. And to make a statement that you say in jest about a topic on things changing on a sign blog, shows that it really has not.


Quit buggin' me
John I think you illustrate my point better than I can.
You took what you knew was an attempt at humor over some forum drama and attached personal offense to it. You place far to much forethought (on my end) to my post.
The Lincoln reference came from edge of consciousness due to the "Killing Lincoln" movies & books being current topics in the media these last few months.
Any angst over the outcome of the Civil War is a little lost on someone living in the middle of the Pacific in 2013.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
Originally Posted by John Butto http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1079258#post1079258
Having deep roots in the South. it started going downhill when Lincoln was elected president. And I, as an American take that your off topic nasty comment to be in poor taste as mine just was.

I grew up in South Burlington. We were the Rebels and had a Rebel flag on our sports uniforms and school rings. when you walked into our school lobby, there was a huge stars and bars hanging on the wall. our school colors were blue and gray. all that is still around (daughter went to SBHS too) but now the flags are gone. crap, I'm a southern girl trapped in a northern body...no wonder I'm crabby
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New Member
I wonder often how much of the undesired behavior is related to the recession. Its been very rough for a lot of people since late 2008. I work with people making 1/4th of what they used to and know many struggling.
I know it's made me bitter and resentful.


New Member
I grew up in South Burlington. We were the Rebels and had a Rebel flag on our sports uniforms and school rings. when you walked into our school lobby, there was a huge stars and bars hanging on the wall. our school colors were blue and gray. all that is still around (daughter went to SBHS too) but now the flags are gone. crap, I'm a southern girl trapped in a northern body...no wonder I'm crabby

Crap- I wuz sure you were an aging hippie like me, Marlene

Disclaimer: I very much like Marlene and have no idea how old she might be
and wish to cast no aspersions upon the old/southern/schools/colors/children
or anyone (or thing) else. Really... no joke. :Big Laugh