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Wanna get the Opinion of others in the Graphics Industry on this Bill. I hope this isn't considered too political as it really does affect us as an industry.
us as an industry.
SOPA has been tabled but PIPA is still active, call your reps.
Awful bills created by big media to oppress their customers because their business model is fading (dead) and they didn't pivot in time due to being run by dinosaurs.
Do you like the internet? Yes? Then you shouldn't like SOPA or PIPA.
I heard Go Daddy played a big part in writing the bill.
I heard Go Daddy played a big part in writing the bill.
They are exempt from the bills because they helped craft them. When they came out openly in support of sopa ... they lost 70k domains including wikipedia. Namespeak still has the instructions on how to transfer a domain without any additional charges other than domain registration fee on their website because of it.
Yeah I've hit blackouts on pretty much all of the websites I go to frequently, Reddit.com is probably the one I spend the most time on. I was already very aware and active against this legislation so it hasn't affected me in that way, but I'm really happy to see the tech community coming together to make a political statement.
We have an entire field of politicians, across the board with only a few notable exceptions, who do not get technology at all. Our entire economy relies on it yet we have a congress that couldn't log into Facebook without a staffer helping them. It's absurd. Getting into NHB territory here though so I'll shut it.
I'm just sad that facebook didn't black out today. I would have loved to see everyone lose their crap because they can't play castleville.