SepaiX with no heat
Hi boys and girls, I converted two printers to print with SepiaX - Epson 7800 and a Mutoh RJ 900 - I installed the heat strip in my Epson, works like a charm, the Mutoh I couldn't wait to play with ( I turned it into a flatbed) , so I pushed "print" button - and guess what - it works! Why wouldn't it - it's still pigment waterbased ink, no reason not to. It is thicker than anything I've ever seen - the waist tank is covered with thick film of ink - I have no padding in it, so I can see what's there - no liquid whatsoever - but the heads firing fine. The heat makes a difference - the colors pop up, if I print the same file on Epson - one w heat, the other without - there is difference, but it's in the eye of beholder

- I still get paid for my work, so It's good enough. I don't print on vinyl or other conventional sign media - I print on aluminum, wood, stone, brass, glass etc...none of it is white, hence I don't have to struggle w PMS colors and other ugly stuff...will try printing on anything, and it usually works. I took the plates out that gave me another couple of millimeters of a gap, don't need the vacuum for heavy media. OK, enough rambling - back to work. I'm new here and I just want to say you guys are great bunch of people. Cheers!