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Spray painting the edge of routed ACM before applying vinyl?

Andy D

Active Member
This will sound like a noobish question, but I have always worked at places that have
a paint department.

I am doing a routed logo for a meeting room, they wanted it out of 6mm ACM for some reason.
I would like to spray paint the edges before applying the vinyl & would like to have some paint
around the edge of the face, in case of vinyl shrinkage or if when I'm trimming the vinyl I don't have
to worry about white showing.

What's your experience with applying vinyl to a spray painted surface?
How long should it cure?


New Member
Krylon Fusion works well for this. We've done it many times. If you are spraying an inch or two onto the face it needs a light scuff with a scotchbrite pad.


New Member
Overnight should be good, The solvents in Krylon are pretty "hot" so they evaporate pretty quick. I don't use a primer. A test piece is always the safest way to proceed.


Premium Subscriber
If you mask the graphic before you install it you can paint after installation and then peel the mask. When you do it this way you can trim against the ACM and don't have to worry about scraping the paint.

Typically signs like this aren't inexpensive and it's worth it to use a cast vinyl and lam. If the vinyl and or lam shrink over time it will create a bad impression.


Premium Subscriber

The difference between the cost of cast vs. quality calendared vinyl is minor, especially compared to your labor or your reputation.