Hey All,
I flew up to Seattle from New Mexico the day after Kyle’s accident to be with Brian, Cheryl and the family. It is nice to read your words of support during this though time. Thank as well for sharing your stories. As you all know Brian nearly lives on the forum between jobs and on his free time. Some of you have been like an extended family. I know it has been an added support for my brother knowing that your prayers, concerns and thought are with Kyle. Kyle’s condition the last couple days has improved a fair amount and while it is exciting to see he is still not yet out of the woods.
His head is still swollen but this is diminishing daily. His characteristic rosy cheeks are returning and his overall color is improving. He is in and out of deep sleep frequently but is also fighting to be present although it tires him quickly. He has started opening his eyes for short periods looking around and locking eyes with us. He is moving the left side of his body quite a bit and as the nurses will attest to “been moving around all over the bed”. He is now also frequently holding our hands firmly between attempts to pull out his tubes. Due to the trauma to his brain and strokes his right side is the major concern and will likely take to longest to heal. However, it appears to also be improving with small movements in his shoulder, hand and leg before getting too tired. We have also seen a few small smiles as well. He about drove us all out of the room with a good potent fart and as we all began commenting on this the corners of his mouth raised, his eyes opened wide and were bright with laughter to match ours.
With these improvements staff decided that Kyle was ready to be moved out of ICU to ACU. The marathon is still just in the early stages and as the doctors and nurses faze out over time family and friends will be needed more than ever.
Kyle, Brian, Cheryl and the family have a great deal of work ahead so please continue to keep them in your prayers, thoughts, good vibes, whatever you do. Keep it up until Kyle is out of the woods.
Thanks again.
With maximum respect,
Lael Grant
aka Grasshopper.