No one really cares to use a pm system to pass bad boy stuff. Its far too insecure.
The illegal stuff wouldn't usually go through this system because astute users (and others intent on passing unauthorized files ) normally use links to other world storage sites.
Those truly intent on passing questionable stuff use the under net system.
I used the term with tongue-in-cheek. I'm not talking about illegal like in porn, illegal documents or other stuff, just things which are not considered proper to do. Trading copyrighted fonts, logos and other silly things, so many try to prevent. This might allow them to do it. While what Fred said is true, that there are ways around it even prior to this new method, I thought it might hamper his ability to prevent it, but if he's happy with it...... so am I. It's his playground.
In all honesty, I don't think I care about it as much as I thought I did, but I just wanted to stay on track.