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Start-up Graphics Biz for my Son

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Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
tcrowder, I bid you farewell. You will obviously be happier somewhere else.

houseofgraphix, I also bid you farewell and will issue you a refund on your subscription when I complete my adjustment to your membership.

Neither Stacy nor I have the time to waste policing your posts or taking any further insults.


Active Member


  • mouthwash.jpg
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tcrowder, I bid you farewell. You will obviously be happier somewhere else.

houseofgraphix, I also bid you farewell and will issue you a refund on your subscription when I complete my adjustment to your membership.

Neither Stacy nor I have the time to waste policing your posts or taking any further insults.

lol.. i'm getting banned for this! haha


No this sites CM's and long in the tooth members are the trouble here. There is not one new person that comes here that you all don't start with this crap.

The guy asked a question and you all started in on him. Why not direct him to a MM www.signwarehouse.com where he could purchase what he was looking for. Get over yourselves already and either answer the question asked or ignore the thread.


New Member
Pros hate to hear when a novice tries to get all the pointers and with little or no investment. I have very limited funds for my endeavor, but I have been here about a year, learning reading, finding out what needs to be done to get what I need. Oh yeah, I'm 43 and have been in the printing business for 34 years, please don't ask! I think asking to culll a lifetime of info to give you and your son a quick profit center is a tough thing to ask, don't you agree? That said a professional should be able to give enough information to help without much harm. Some pros are not so professional at their sign forum manner, but have you got some legit info?
How much time for your son? If he has less than a year and you are out from nowhere, its gonna be tough, real tough. The bad side might be too much money and he drops college like a hot cannolli. No shame in working a teenage job, kinda gives him some experience with his peers.


New Member
Banning people for tough language is kinda lame I gotta say, this is treading a line that ain't so hot. So the dude swore and gave another website, I don't understand what HOG did. I don't think what anyone said in the heat of this conversation was too out of line. I think others have slammed noobs with relish, and nadda has been said.
Everybody grab what they like to drink and say "CHILL OUT!"
I just did it, it works!

Kevin T

New Member
Wow, I never expected this to be such a threatening discussion.

ON a side note, I am in the telecom business. If you use Vonage, you likely use my network. The capital for such an endeavor is counted in 7 figures at minimum.

I wish I could take that with credence but, I think I have fallen on a den of 70% arrogance and 30% "good heart" and not worth my continued time.

Moderator, please remove my post before any other "professionals" become upset.

Do I sense a derogatory tone in your request??? Hmmmmm seems like arrogance to me....well 30% arrogance and 70% gas...no no wait the gas was mine it was just the hot peppers I ate...sorry somebody pass the spray it's starting to smell in here....:Big Laugh

You should delete all the smarta** posts too. This is after all a forum for professionals. What a joke that is.

Hey hey hey don't put yourself down, they can delete your dumba** posts along with the smarta** ones. It's all good....:tongue:

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Banning people for tough language is kinda lame I gotta say, this is treading a line that ain't so hot. So the dude swore and gave another website, I don't understand what HOG did. I don't think what anyone said in the heat of this conversation was too out of line. I think others have slammed noobs with relish, and nadda has been said.
Everybody grab what they like to drink and say "CHILL OUT!"
I just did it, it works!

Let's just call it my prerogative. My day has largely been spent attempting to respond politely to well intentioned critics who, IMO, have not stayed well informed enough to form valid criticisms. Then I read one too many times the kind of derogatory posts in this thread targeting members with lots of helpful posts to their credit as some kind of bad guys and my line was crossed.

I have no wish for anyone who wants to be here to leave. At the same time I have no wish for anyone who is unhappy here to stay. It wasn't the bad language, it was the repeated posts expressing their dissatisfaction with Signs 101 and the childish insinuations and innuendo I find totally uncalled for and not worthy of any further hospitality here. Both of these members were obviously unhappy here. I simply have helped them to seek happier pastimes.

Nuff said.
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