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Sticker Mule needed a permit


Active Member
I've never understood mixing business with politics or religion, you're going to alienate 50% of the population and of the other half only a small fraction will care enough to make your beliefs a deciding factor of who to use.

Up here we have the "F Trudeau" croud, and while I'm not a Trudeau supporter, there is something off putting about seeing it on a company vehicle.

victor bogdanov

Active Member
I've never understood mixing business with politics or religion, you're going to alienate 50% of the population and of the other half only a small fraction will care enough to make your beliefs a deciding factor of who to use.

Up here we have the "F Trudeau" croud, and while I'm not a Trudeau supporter, there is something off putting about seeing it on a company vehicle.
Stickermule has been featured on fox, cnn etc because of this, that is alot of free advertising.

My concern with doing something public like this is making FB/Google mad and having them throttle traffic to website. Google/FB can easily turn off traffic to stickermule if they feel like it based on the politics


Go Bills!
You can't do much in any town in America without getting some sort of permit, no surprise this yahoo thinks he is above everyone else.

Like cult leader, like peon


New Member
yes, I don't believe he had a permit for that large sign. Yes, it is huge, very noticeable at night lit up to travelers going east/west on NYS Thruway. Perhaps a more politically balanced message would have had both candidates' names, and the word Vote.


Active Member
yes, I don't believe he had a permit for that large sign. Yes, it is huge, very noticeable at night lit up to travelers going east/west on NYS Thruway. Perhaps a more politically balanced message would have had both candidates' names, and the word Vote.
I don't think the purpose of the sign was a "balanced" advertisement. The courts have apparently agreed that it's allowable political speech.


Old member
No permit but a judge temporarily removed a restraining order to display it.

Pisses me off! That sign violates multiple laws. Who the hell is this judge?! It's like, "oh, it's wrong to murder people in cold blood but it's okee-dokee this time"! There is a chance, however, a decision was made to avoid disruption (Trump supporters have a terrible track record when it comes to civil disobedience).
I don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding the content. It could be a "Vote for Harris" sign and I would have the same opinion. Laws are laws and this guy certainly knew what he was doing! Kudus to the Sticker Mule guy for his temerity! Shame on the city for letting him get away with it! I guess if you run a sign shop in Amsterdam, New York you don't need to bother with safety and permits anymore!


New Member
There is a Christian Cross on a hill overlooking the interstate near me. It is against city code because of height restrictions. McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell,Sam's Club, Pilot Oil, and many others have adhered to this code when installing their hi-rise signs, but not the church. They won in court by claiming the Christian Cross was not a sign. Yes, local pastors swore on the Bible in court that the Cross was not a sign. It might just be the most recognizable sign in the world.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
There is a Christian Cross on a hill overlooking the interstate near me. It is against city code because of height restrictions. McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell,Sam's Club, Pilot Oil, and many others have adhered to this code when installing their hi-rise signs, but not the church. They won in court by claiming the Christian Cross was not a sign. Yes, local pastors swore on the Bible in court that the Cross was not a sign. It might just be the most recognizable sign in the world.
it's not a "sign" as defined by the city.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
I wonder what the legal difference is between a sign and a symbol. Words? Can you get around city code by putting up a sign with no words?
I'm guessing that the city has language with a specific definition of a sign. I'm thinking that the church argued that the cross that large is more of a monument. or course. that's my take on it and purely speculation.

Stacey K

I like making signs
That's A LOT of free advertising!

I've seen a lot more massive Trump signs than massive Harris signs. A lot of businesses around here have the 4'x8' Trump signs and a lot of farmers have them in their fields - but I'm rural. I've noticed a lot more going up the last couple weeks. I've had requests for a lot of Trump banners, none so far for Harris.

Everyone I know who gets polled has lied and said they are voting for the opposite person they are actually voting for. The polls are definitely not accurate. I think there's been a switch in momentum and that has empowered people to post their feelings in public. It's not something I would personally do with my business.


Man who touches printers inappropriately.
I love the extra business they bring me, but we also like dealing with small batch customers. Maybe we're just stupid, but I enjoy it. As for free publicity, the MyPillow guy was swimming in that. Last I checked they were auctioning off all their fixtures for hilariously low prices, even by auction standards.


Active Member
I find it dumb you need a permit. But this guy is going crazy.

Actually... do you need a permit for political signs? I know we have a section where realtor signs, and political signs don't need a permit... but I never really looked up the sizing requirements.

This guy will be in more trouble than a sign though - He pissed a lot of people off by sending out political E-mails... So a lot of people unsubscribed to the mailing list, And he still sent a second E-mail (Even to those who unsubscribed) And then send a follow up e-mail to everyone who E-mailed support asking their account gets deleted so they stop receiving the emails.... got a confirmation their account was deleted, and then they STILL got e-mails from the company about political stuff :roflmao: Ignoring E-mail lists/ sending messages to those who opt out is more serious than a sign permit. At least here it is, not sure if USA has a law about spam / not taking people off the subscription list... But they operate in Europe as well, which is a pretty big fine... I imagine a few people complained.

It's dumb to bring politics into a business... like mentioned, In this day and age if you say you like Democrats...you lose all your republican customers, if you say you like Republicans, you lose all your democrat followers.... It's a lose lose. They say all publicity is good publicity, it'd be interesting to see what their revenue was before and after this... I'm guessing they lost more money and customers than they gained. I don't think this was a publicity stunt, I think he just truly supports trump, and is willing to put his money where his mouth is - Have to at least respect him for that!

victor bogdanov

Active Member
It's dumb to bring politics into a business... like mentioned, In this day and age if you say you like Democrats...you lose all your republican customers, if you say you like Republicans, you lose all your democrat followers.... It's a lose lose.
Yet democrats are buying up Teslas :big laugh:

I think most people don't care or forget fast. FB, Google, Just about every major corporation gets political but people from both sides keep using them. Just like everyone forgets what companies are pro/against the pride stuff in June as soon as July comes along

Stacey K

I like making signs
If a business wants to spread the word and put out Trump or Harris signs, I have no issue with that. They will still get my business.

If you are going to cut the other party down and say nasty things about the people who support them, I DO have an issue with that.

Penzey's Spices and Minocqua Brewing. I have zero use for either of these businesses. They are nasty and mean. They both paid a huge financial price for it.

I don't see anything political on the StickerMule website - have they been talking nasty about Harris supporters or just trying to promote Trump? I don't get their emails apparently.