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Need Help Stolen Design?


Currently flying by the seat of my pants
I'm guessing you went through the proper channels to get that school logo and asked permission to manipulate it for profit. If you didn't, in my opinion you're no different than the fast signs people.
:) We are working with each school individually and have approval on designs. Each school that receives 10 or more orders is receiving a donation back to the school.


New Member
Torn on this one. Everything is a watered down version of something else. Its a shame that they took credit for it being their original design. I don't fault them for their execution. They did change it somewhat. If someone comes in and says they want X, what are they supposed to do track down who created it? They did what they were asked to do by their customer...who was different from your customer.
'Its a shame your customer did not pass your info along to other parents. I'd be more curious why.
I personally don't charge for lawn sign designs because they are down and dirty throw aways. Someone could love, copy, hate my design I don't take any of it personally. If you were paid to create and produce the sign, job done move on. Now if you were bidding for the whole school's signs and they snaked your design and stole the job, I'd be pissed.


Currently flying by the seat of my pants
Torn on this one. Everything is a watered down version of something else. Its a shame that they took credit for it being their original design. I don't fault them for their execution. They did change it somewhat. If someone comes in and says they want X, what are they supposed to do track down who created it? They did what they were asked to do by their customer...who was different from your customer.
'Its a shame your customer did not pass your info along to other parents. I'd be more curious why.
I personally don't charge for lawn sign designs because they are down and dirty throw aways. Someone could love, copy, hate my design I don't take any of it personally. If you were paid to create and produce the sign, job done move on. Now if you were bidding for the whole school's signs and they snaked your design and stole the job, I'd be pissed.

We handle this kind of thing differently. When I am shown a proof from a customer asking me to recreate something that was obviously done by another shop I generally ask them why they didn't want to order from the original shop first. If it comes down to price, I let them know that I can't recreate another shop's design and steer them toward ordering from the original shop. If it comes down to a matter of the customer not wanting to use the other shop for business reasons (maybe they've used them in the past and weren't happy with the service), I let them know that I don't feel comfortable copying the design, but that I'd be happy to create something new for them. The only time I will recreate another design is maybe a business card that they are just trying to get more of or something like that - something unique to their company. This was a design item - I know it's just a yard sign, it's not a high dollar item, it's not about the dollars lost. They are a small franchise shop, we're a small family owned shop. I can't say with 100% certainty, but I'm pretty sure they knew where the original design came from.

The thing is that we were contacted by the high school, we very well could have gotten that job. I think he has a personal relationship with someone who made that decision and that's fine. Just don't use the same design. There are a million different ways to make a yard sign. There was no reason to do the same thing. Whoever contacted him from the high school likely said "We really like this sign, how much would you charge us to do it?" My answer would have been "That's a great sign! I don't feel comfortable using that same design, but I'd love to show you something else and I'll charge you $X" Does he not feel confidant that his designer can come up with something they would be happy with?

Frankly, we're new to the industry and maybe eventually this kind of thing won't bother me as much. We took over this shop just over a year ago - it has been in this location and running for 4 years - and we're just trying to do everything the best way we know how. We jumped in with both feet and we've made a point to work with the schools and youth sports in the area - not only to build business, but because we're parents of kids who are involved in the schools and clubs, etc. We are in a bit of a niche area with a lot of work with the equestrian community and most of our customers aren't doing a lot of shopping around. We know our customers for the most part. So this was a little bit of a shock - but also a learning experience.

In the end, I'm glad every graduating kid from the local high school got a sign. Social media has exploded with parents posting pictures of our sign next to the sign they received from the high school. It has actually given us more business because Wellington parents want that customized sign and parents from the other schools are seeing it, too. We've gotten several comments about how the design is similar and the parents seem to be pretty aware that the original design came from us and some of them have their own opinions about that. Moms can cause a lot of drama - especially when they're in quarantine. :) So I'm just letting that play out and happily taking the business. We bought a UV printer to print directly on the coro earlier in the year and it has just about paid for itself with these jobs so I'm calling it a win.


New Member
Wow. That is a one hell of a compliment that they ripped off your design. HOWEVER, you were getting a bunch of orders for them and making some much needed money and here they come and take it away and never even fessed up to the news. I would definitely go to FastSigns Corporate and I would contact the news and see if they would do a story on one of various topics. They could do a recant and show that you were the original designer. They could even do it in a fashion that would not knock FastSigns too much and that way they could probably get the franchise owner into admitting and they could place the blame along to someone else that said it was their design but never show a person just say it to keep the FastSigns Franchise owner in on aiding you to get the credit. They could do a story on the competitive natures of business and the infringements etc etc.. There is so much more. This really hurts your business because he is not just getting those kids signs but they will be remembered by all those involved in getting signs as well as the parents, the graduating kids the other family members and now the entire community that watches the news. they are all thinking how great that company is for doing whjat they did and how great of a design as well. I seen a bunch of signs like that (not the design but the idea) for the graduating classes either in northeast Ohio or i may have been in Northwest Pennsylvania, maybe even both. I wouldn't let it go. there is NOT enough changes made to say they didn't infringe on your designer copyright.
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Active Member
If it bothers your pride, bring it to life on social media. Chances are fastsigns advertises on that station if that being the case they have no interest in standing your ground when they have a paid client. If it were me I would blast them on social media making it known they ripped off my design


Premium Subscriber
I dunno, but it seems y'all are getting a little carried away and going from one extreme to another.

First we're talking about someone copying a layout/design and using something similar. Sh!t happens. Deal with it. However, then we're talking about what seems like several thousand dollar jobs and getting deposits and written authorization, copyrights, dental impressions and first born males. Cripes, again, either give a price and not a free drawing or find another job, you're better suited for. Someone getting credit for your layout..... well, that's your fault for not speaking up and just whining. No one is gonna know, unless you actually do something about it. Is it worth it ?? In this case, not in my opinion, but if you made enough money selling these little signs to pay off a flatbed, then you're either making a killing or you sold 1,000's upon 1,000's of these things..... so what do these few signs from a franchise matter ??


New Member
If it wasn't on the news and you just saw one while you were out driving around town, would you still be this upset?


Active Member
i see the similarities, in layout, but varsity font plus school mascot is pretty standard for anything and everything I've ever done for local highschool projects.
still a bummer tho'. 600 signs, plus however many other schools they pitched this idea to, is a missed opportunity.
...but theft/infringement? hardly. I'd also like to think nothing was done to intentionally snub and/or cut you out of the equation.

I wouldn't compare this case to the recent thread's pile-of-skulls on a vehicle wrap copyright infringement, or even the recent LeBron James cropped photo on instagram copyright claim....i'm sorry if you feel otherwise but cropping a picture of yourself that was taken at a game, that you played in, and posting it to social media should NOT be worth a multimillion dollar lawsuit. And yet, both of those cases would actually hold some weight in the current court of law if someone were willing/able to spend the legal resources to defend their rights to it.


Active Member
Yep, unless you want to look like a skunk you'll have to live with it. And you learned a lesson in marketing, you're the one that should have called the news first.


The ramifications from COVID-19 are bad, and the side-effects are being felt by all ages.
I have heard plenty of people say that this is a WAKE-UP for the youth that life is not entitled and does not go as planned, deal with it.
but those who are able to adapt and "MAKE a silver lining" are the ones who will come out of this crisis with their doors open.

This is one of those examples, they donated signs and got a "feel good" story in the news and free advertising that can and will go viral on social media.

Using the design you created as their base is not ideal. BUT you got paid for the design and you got customers because of the design.
I would be more annoyed if the initial design was done and then took to another company to make an exact copy. That is what really baffles me

In the "perfect world" everyone would create their own artwork and it would be original, without using other designs as "inspiration"

Here is an example saw on the news, yearbook photos are already sized and very easy to do with a template.
This onto whatever banner you carry, unhemmed edges, 4 grommets, and you have another example of free advertising on tv and a social media opportunity

Lady Who

New Member
My biggest concern wasn't necessarily loss of business, but more that people would think we were the ones that stole the design. After some sleep, I realize most customers aren't giving it that much thought and there's really no way I can do anything about it without looking like an ***.

The owner hasn't responded back and I doubt he will. But I'm glad he knows I see him.
Yeah, it sucks, I totally understand you. Have you posted it to instagram, Facebook or any social media? I think It's a good idea to do so from now on. It won't ensure your designs won't be copied, but it can help to prove the original idea was yours and show to people that your design was stolen and not the other way around.


New Member
The first thing you need to do is tell the local news to print a correction in their next publication explaining that you designed it and consulted with the Mom at length to get it right. Even post on your social media pages telling the story about it and maybe showing drafts so the community know how it really came about.