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Stuff you've found while installing


New Member
Doing installs we have all gone into strange spots behind walls and so on..What are some of the things you've found.. have found mainly cigarette packs and trash but some old pop cans as well..

I was cleaning and ran into them so I thought I'd share.. The green glass coke bottle I found while digging a foundation about a foot in the dirt.I am A town away from south bend that is where the bottle was made and it's heavy.. Then the old mountain dew a coke cans and other coke bottle were all behind walls..The coke can is real hard feeling..

But anyway I think it's cool what have you guys got?


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New Member
Yea..same here...we have a lot of old brick roads that's been grown over and are now past the setback...I hate digging through those


Premium Subscriber
Long time ago, the guy with me found a fiber optic cable at the end of his shovel ))) PA Dig didn't have it marked correctly.

Where I used to live in town, this goes back almost 40 years ago, I was digging in my own back yard and uncovered a huge slab of cement about 3' down. Under that, were all kinds of old old cans, bottles, junk and all kindsa stuff, but most of all...... an old revolver. Not loaded. Turned out, I had dug up the old 'out house' from the property of decades gone by. No wonder all the flowers grew so well in that area.


New Member
Long time ago, the guy with me found a fiber optic cable at the end of his shovel ))) PA Dig didn't have it marked correctly.

Where I used to live in town, this goes back almost 40 years ago, I was digging in my own back yard and uncovered a huge slab of cement about 3' down. Under that, were all kinds of old old cans, bottles, junk and all kindsa stuff, but most of all...... an old revolver. Not loaded. Turned out, I had dug up the old 'out house' from the property of decades gone by. No wonder all the flowers grew so well in that area.

Was Jimmy Hoffa there too??


Premium Subscriber
Nah, we got rid of his can in back of that old restaurant in Detroit after a Motown concert. He was such a wuss when we took him outside. Blabbering all about those jurors he tampered with. Unions....... wha da fug..........??


Active Member
Long time ago, the guy with me found a fiber optic cable at the end of his shovel ))) PA Dig didn't have it marked correctly.

Where I used to live in town, this goes back almost 40 years ago, I was digging in my own back yard and uncovered a huge slab of cement about 3' down. Under that, were all kinds of old old cans, bottles, junk and all kindsa stuff, but most of all...... an old revolver. Not loaded. Turned out, I had dug up the old 'out house' from the property of decades gone by. No wonder all the flowers grew so well in that area.

Yikes...at least they (hopefully) didn't try to pin it on him. From my understanding, if you damage a fiber optic line and didn't call for a locate, the minimum fine is in the neighborhood of $45k. It can't be patched, so it generally has to be replaced from the origin to wherever it terminates.

David Wright

New Member
First plunge of a post hole digger brought up a plastic statue of St. Joseph.
Wasn't sure at first, then remembered it a Catholic good luck thing to bury head first for new construction.
On the second hole cut a sprinkler line for first time.


Premium Subscriber
Yikes...at least they (hopefully) didn't try to pin it on him. From my understanding, if you damage a fiber optic line and didn't call for a locate, the minimum fine is in the neighborhood of $45k. It can't be patched, so it generally has to be replaced from the origin to wherever it terminates.

Nope, no trouble. We just moved the hole over a foot or so and started again. We were in the right. PA Dig had it wrong. Don't really remember what took place afterwards, but that development had a nice big sign. No lights, but a sign.................


Active Member
great post!

Was on top of an old GULF service station in a neighboring town and found these on the roof One set said GULF, and the other LUBRICATION
I dismanteled them and threw them on ebay. I didnt get a whole lot for them.

in the house Im flipping now I tore into some walls and found a perfect green coke bottle and a receipt for materials when they built the home from 1965. I hate no prices were on it

On another job we took an aluminum panel off a sign and behind it was the mechanism for the time of day. It was old but very interesting


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I found a dog while doing a real estate sign in the middle of a field. Someone had dumped her and her two sisters - they were all skin and bones. A friend of a friend that trains English Pointers took the other two and we kept Gracie.


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New Member
Found a main trunk line that powered all the traffic lights for a couple blocks in a small town.. good thing we were hand digging. And it wasn't even down far enough for code. And, PA call said it was a PennDot line and they were exempt from marking those....


Rap Master
At the last place I was at an installer found an EPI pen in an ambulance compartment... by the pointy end. He said he felt a bit off for about 24 hours after that.


Premium Subscriber
I love finding old footers, road beds and even reinforced concrete pieces in fill dirt when I'm digging holes. But I have found some cool stuff as well. I live in a college town where we have a lot of foreign students come to study, and I was hanging a lighted sign on a building and went to the roof and found all kinds of old coins where I guess they had thrown them up there.


New Member
I forgot to mention, I went on a roof of a tanning salon to service a neon border tube and found a glass smoking pipe which was pretty nice.. I gave it to someone who would appreciate it..lol


New Member
Myself and a helper were up on ladders removing an old plywood sign from a barn like building. Just as soon as we pried the bottom of the sign loose of the building, about two hundred bats came rushing out at us. Hit us in the face and tangled in our hair. It was all I could do to not fall backwards off the ladder. Quite the unexpected startle.


New Member
:wink: That's why I always bang really hard on the surface of stuff like that. Better bats than a swarm of bees...