Well her organs were collected for donation and she was removed from life support and passed shortly thereafter about 2:20pm on 2-17-11.
Information from her mother says that this was her 4th, and final, attempt in the previous 6 months. Though her family and friends mourn for her, we all hope she has found her peace as she has struggled with her depression for the better part of the last 12 years.
I too, like many of you, can relate. I suffer from depression myself and am constantly looking for the positive. I have attempted several times with one near sucessful attempt that was thwarted by a forum owner located in the Netherlands who managed to track my location and have the local police show up at my door while unjamming a misfired cartridge. That's an event that really changed my life, and the period that I consider my rebirth.
For those who have never experienced the loneliness and hollow feeling associated with depression you may never really understand the thoughts or feelings that can lead someone to take their own life. Someone here said it's the most selfish thing you can do... and while I can understand and agree with that view point... in the suicidal mindset you believe that everybody will truly be better off without you. That you are nothing more than a burden.
It truly is a constant struggle and every slip makes it that much harder to get back up.
My grandmother committed suicide when my mother was 15. My uncle, mom's brother, committed suicide a few years later. My mother is deeply depressed and I fear that when my dad passes (he is ill with a terminal illness) that my mother may not have the strength to hold on.
When I was 16 one of my friends decided he had had enough and pulled his car into a barn, laid a mattress behind it and laid down with the exhaust blowing onto his face and just went to sleep......
2 years ago my best friends brother in law, who was just amazing at the amount of knowledge he had on the music industry, decided he had enough and took his head off with a shotgun. He left 4 children.
about 6 months ago a good friend of mine, who had been friends of my dad's brother, had enough and attempted via shotgun. He was unsuccessful, but later passed from the trauma.
Even though I understand the feeling, I just wish that they could have found what works for them.
When I was a kid and through my early 20's the Doctor's pushed the pills at me, telling me they would make me feel better. It's hard for someone who had never really felt "happy" to know what it feels like. So when they shove pills at you and tell you you'll feel better, and everybody asks you if you feel better, you feel the expectation that you SHOULD feel better.... so you just tell people you do even if you don't. Most of those pills just take away ALL emotion. You have no ups, no downs, you just exist. MAny people stop taking the pills JUST so they can feel SOMETHING. Then the depression slips back in and it's that much harder to get back up.
I haven't felt suicidal for 5-6 years. I have many positive things going on in my life now, but I constantly seek positive things. I seek the beauty even in things that are ugly. When I feel myself starting to slip I take immediate action to rid those thoughts and get back on track..... a slip for anybody with a history of depression can really be debilitating.
My heart and prayers go out to anybody who knows the pain of suicide, directly and indirectly. I ask that anybody who feels that this is your only option to PLEASE seek help that works for you. It may be a long, slow, road to recovery... but life is worth living and you ARE loved by many.
Here is a picture of Rachel as I will remember her.