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T-Shirt Design


New Member
Here is a sparkle like I suggested in post 17. You only need about 3 in the whole drawing though.

Doing odd things to your fonts doesn't make you better than anyone else... just different.

+1 I think this would look a bit better than the foggy ovals.

But over all love the design!!


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Even if the text were not an incomprehensible mess, which it is, this looks no different than most any T shirt created by any air brush jockey at any car show. Not only is it about as unique as a head cold, the illustration appears to be a helmeted creature piloting some sort of industrial duct work, perhaps a portion of a cold air return for a large sporting house or something.

Ursta Graphics

New Member
+1 on a few less flares. Also change the background text it is hard to read. Liking the illustration hanging tire though.

Illustration looks great minus some of the flares.

Apparently you've never seen a Modified race Bob .. you should go sometime .. pretty exciting to watch .. though the dirt might give you an actual head cold...lol.

Ursta Graphics

New Member
Very nice, but if you don't mind the opinion of a person that can barely draw a stick figure...maybe a little less of the flares. Kinda looks like a christmas tree, but that's just my personal opinon. And if ya wanna get technical, the car appears to be going the wrong way, as in making a right turn instead of a left, but maybe he's turning back into the pits :)

I thought that too .. but it's hangin tire the right way if its sliding. ;)


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...Apparently you've never seen a Modified race Bob .. you should go sometime .. pretty exciting to watch .. though the dirt might give you an actual head cold...lol.

Been there, perhaps dating back to before you were born. There was a time, way back, when I used to be somewhat connected to that sort of activity. It was, and no doubt still is, about as exciting as watching a haircut.

A bunch of machines, some of which resemble parade floats from Mars, leave, go round and round for a bit, and one wins. Wow.


New Member
Been there, perhaps dating back to before you were born. There was a time, way back, when I used to be somewhat connected to that sort of activity. It was, and no doubt still is, about as exciting as watching a haircut.

A bunch of machines, some of which resemble parade floats from Mars, leave, go round and round for a bit, and one wins. Wow.
But a really loud haircut.


New Member
Not only is it about as unique as a head cold

Your opinion, like everyone's here, is allowed when someone is asking for critique... but it seems as if you ALWAYS have something harsh to say instead of offering creative ways to help.

My parents taught me respect, and if you didn't have something nice to say then say nothing at all...


Premium Subscriber

There's nothing wrong with stepping outside the box once in a while, but it should be for good reason.

Carelessly tossing rules and knowledge to the wind for unorthodox methods, generally never ends up..... nice, but rather in disaster. :covereyes:

Your ability is good in the vector art-world, but your use or over-use of effects is horrid. You attempt on recreating new fonts is also horrid. Thinking outside the box only works when your theme comes together in the end. Yours hasn't.... anyway, not yet.

If you don't like the answers or input, why do you continue looking for relief in a place that has so many blown rectal cavities ??

Talk about stepping outside the proverbial s101 box, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is very thinking inside the box and with blinders on. If you want to use new ideas.... try something different and make it a part of you. Try practicing what you preach and not what you do.
:thumb: you can do it.................


Premium Subscriber
Your opinion, like everyone's here, is allowed when someone is asking for critique... but it seems as if you ALWAYS have something harsh to say instead of offering creative ways to help.

My parents taught me respect, and if you didn't have something nice to say then say nothing at all...

Now I get it....... sugar-coat it and save face.

It sounds more to me that your parents taught you not to take on critical criticism very well, so instead of always being mediocre and looking for false praise, just to ignore good advice and look a gift horse in the mouth.

Yeah, that'll work.... if you're in kindergarten or at the Brownie meeting next Tuesday. Grow up, your parents aren't here and it's about time you listen to both sides of the discussion instead of only the crap you wanna hear.

Really, you think that is good sound advice to not say anything at all ?? :banghead:


New Member
Here's a few more t-shirt designs...
Bob...I don't know you but, you seem pretty miserable, I'm sorry you're parents didn't hug you enough as a child...I do hope you have a wonderful day though, cuz you certainly made me laugh like hell at you. I enjoyed your comments. Gotta run to the drug store for head cold meds.


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Charlie J

New Member
Not sure why everyone on this board is giving you such a hard time. You're obviously very talented. Keep up the good work.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Your opinion, like everyone's here, is allowed when someone is asking for critique... but it seems as if you ALWAYS have something harsh to say instead of offering creative ways to help.

"creative ways to help" seems to be a euphemism for telling someone just how wonderful they and their product might be when, in fact, it's dreck. My lack of interest in "creative ways to help" approaches total.

I do not always have something harsh to say. Most of the time I say nothing at all. An example of journeyman work does not need praise or comment, it's the quality one should expect of a competent sign writer. I can't recall the last time I saw something really exceptional on this sand pile. Rest assured that when and if that should occur I might be moved to give praise.

It seems that this business attracts dilettantes like a corpse attract flies. The most of the people in this business continually demonstrate that they have little or no aptitude or ability for it. Anyone calling for "creative ways to help" is suspect.

My parents taught me respect, and if you didn't have something nice to say then say nothing at all...

If you'd drop the word 'nice' then you'd have "If you don't have something to say then say nothing at all". That plays much better, don't you think?


New Member
Not sure why everyone on this board is giving you such a hard time. You're obviously very talented. Keep up the good work.
Those 3 are WAY better than the one posted at the start of this thread. See what happens when you don't murder a font and go nuts with oval foggy things. (still too many sparkles on the first of these 3 though)


New Member
"creative ways to help" seems to be a euphemism for telling someone just how wonderful they and their product might be when, in fact, it's dreck. My lack of interest in "creative ways to help" approaches total.

I do not always have something harsh to say. Most of the time I say nothing at all. An example of journeyman work does not need praise or comment, it's the quality one should expect of a competent sign writer. I can't recall the last time I saw something really exceptional on this sand pile. Rest assured that when and if that should occur I might be moved to give praise.

It seems that this business attracts dilettantes like a corpse attract flies. The most of the people in this business continually demonstrate that they have little or no aptitude or ability for it. Anyone calling for "creative ways to help" is suspect.

If you'd drop the word 'nice' then you'd have "If you don't have something to say then say nothing at all". That plays much better, don't you think?

If this forum is such a "sand pile" of crap, why are you here? Saying nothing at all was my point. People on here aren't looking for you to BASH them, and as a so called professional to the trade you should be a lot more accepting in the underlings attempt to work to your high standards. Those on here looking for guidance are learning NOTHING from you except to look for help elsewhere. There are plenty of talented people on this forum and by the look of your posts, you have yet to praise any.

I joined this forum as a way to find a connection with those that have walked the path before me. YOU and a few others here are quickly changing my decision that this place is a helpful tool for experience and wisdom.


New Member
Now I get it....... sugar-coat it and save face.

It sounds more to me that your parents taught you not to take on critical criticism very well, so instead of always being mediocre and looking for false praise, just to ignore good advice and look a gift horse in the mouth.

Yeah, that'll work.... if you're in kindergarten or at the Brownie meeting next Tuesday. Grow up, your parents aren't here and it's about time you listen to both sides of the discussion instead of only the crap you wanna hear.

Really, you think that is good sound advice to not say anything at all ?? :banghead:

What is it with some of the people on this forum... are you having a bad day?

I did listen to both sides of the discussion, apparently you didn't. I wasn't the one asking for criticism, I was just pointing out that if you're going to say it's "horrid" then maybe you should embellish on how to improve... isn't that part of the point of this forum? Those with the experience are here to help those who don't.... or is everyone here a peacock, feathers out?


New Member
Here's a few more t-shirt designs...
Bob...I don't know you but, you seem pretty miserable, I'm sorry you're parents didn't hug you enough as a child...I do hope you have a wonderful day though, cuz you certainly made me laugh like hell at you. I enjoyed your comments. Gotta run to the drug store for head cold meds.

Bobs good for a laugh and that's about it. Grumpy old man that I still doubt was ever in the sign business.

Your stuff ain't perfect man but it's pretty darn good. Props on some sick shirts. I'm also gonna say you stretched that font too much and had too much blingstars going on, but overall it's better than 90% of the shirts I see.


Premium Subscriber
What is it with some of the people on this forum... are you having a bad day?

I did listen to both sides of the discussion, apparently you didn't. I wasn't the one asking for criticism, I was just pointing out that if you're going to say it's "horrid" then maybe you should embellish on how to improve... isn't that part of the point of this forum? Those with the experience are here to help those who don't.... or is everyone here a peacock, feathers out?

Nope, don't have any bad days anymore. New outlook on things.

Tell ya what, you're close enough to come to our 2011 Nor'easter Mix & Greet next month. I'll show you what we're doing and why it's not important to show people chit.

You're correct..... you weren't the one asking criticism, you were the one telling people to shut up if they couldn't say something nice, because your mom and dad told you so. We should post up and show our credentials by improving on someone else's work.... giving them free drawing lessons or something. What for ?? They didn't ask for help, they wanted pointers. The pointers weren't well received by the OP and you chimed in with your nonsense and want to defend stupidity.

I might be grumpy and I might be old, but I'm not the one asking for help, huh ??

This place is for exchanging ideas, arguing, finding sources and just plain old fashioned fun. No where does it say Drawing Class 101 is included. That's a given, if ya can't draw, go to school, not the internet..... or go find a utube thingie.