FatCat is some good feedback so far, let me throw our hat into the ring, If you get to a point you are considering a true flatbed to your portfolio we are certainly one to consider as we are the only North American made in USA , San AntonioTexas specifically.
Christian@2CTmedia makes a very valid point regarding Hybrids, IMHO, with regards to equipment your either really good at one thing (RTR, or True Flatbed, or your fairly good at multiple things (Hybrids)
Balstestrat Also has a good point, looking at your peak jobs, and future growth will be key in getting a printer that will last and grow with you. even an entry level or offshore printer will cost 100K+ so to have to upgrade in a couple even few years, or outsourcing peak work because the aforementioned printers cant handle the load . Point being consider the longterm as you dont wont to underestimate your needs.
Superior Adam advice is also sound, when it comes to printer speeds, Test, Test, Test, Take a file and run it on what quality level you will sell that piece for and that the ink will stay on the substrate, that will be your true speed. all of these printers, have many setting and between substrates, profiles and printer builds and software modes, so again I say TEST TEST TEST ! and while your testing check ink consumption, not only from the printed piece but maintenance whether its manual or self maintaining.
One last thought, Take the time to see these products in person.