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Tear it apart

Guerilla Signs

New Member
Logo I did for a friend of mine for the kids ministry at his church.

Tear it apart, give some suggestions, whatever you like. I am not a designer but would like to learn from everyone here.

It was a free-bee and they like it so it accomplished the goal but I am not real happy with it.


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It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Calling it hideous would be a complement. Whatever gods these people worship should rise up and make them all pee sideways for even considering using such a thing.

Still, one can only wonder what the flames are for. Were they something you had just laying around or what? If you had an unused image of a wombat, would you have tossed that in as well?


New Member
A burning bible. Nice. You'll probobly get done cult kids and outcasts. Unless your against rebels and anti Christs.


Quit buggin' me
....... worth a thousand words........


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New Member
Definitely get rid of the true fire. It relates more to he!l. Find a better font. Scale down the size of your book. Less is more.


New Member
Calling it hideous would be a complement. Whatever gods these people worship should rise up and make them all pee sideways for even considering using such a thing.

Still, one can only wonder what the flames are for. Were they something you had just laying around or what? If you had an unused image of a wombat, would you have tossed that in as well?

not that i read your post, but im glad to see you and your cow horse didnt commit mutual thesoric suicide.

my rogets subscription felt a serious disturbance in the force..

we were all worried.

ps, the logo is shat.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Well as black & white it does not work
As color readable, understandable image
...understands why the kids would like it so not a complete failure

I like taking present & making it better..like doing the bible in gray also some white lines for pages that will help the blue copy also if B/W
The flames not sure what do but I bet the kids liked them ahh maybe pinstriping for flames
Anyway good effort


New Member
It has way too much going on.
Take away the fire.
take away the Bible.
Just use the words but not that font.
It's really weird looking and also angry looking because of all the angles and all-caps.


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New Member
Might be more appropriate with a burning bible!!!

Just kidding, I could not resist :)


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New Member
How bout clouds instead of tribal flames, or that effect where it looks like light shining from the back expanding thru out the whole background.


New Member
Nice one :Oops:, but you know what I meant :smile:

Been wondering what to print on a shirt to wear to tonight's Diamond Rings concert. I think I've found a candidate!

Serious critique about the design though... are the type and flames meant to be edgy to appeal to the younger demographic? I ask because with a youth group like this, you're generally, quite literally, preaching to the converted, so I'm not sure you need to try so hard to convince them. Kids in church generally don't want rainbows and super feel-good imagery, but they'd like a reason to take it seriously; something that reflects the pride they have in their own faith. Honest advice? Treat it with the same respect you'd treat something not directed to children. Kids know when they're being pandered to.

Also, with those harsh lines and flames, you're probably going to be reinforcing an image that will be exactly the opposite of what they learn from the book. I'm not sure, the youth ministry could actually be one that uses the fire and brimstone angle, but I'm operating under the assumption that it's not. If it does, well, I don't have any advice you'd take.


New Member
The flames are silly.. they are the same flames repeated and it looks cheesy.. Should draw new ones burning all around it.

Guerilla Signs

New Member
Thank's to everyone and I agree with most of the comments here and will let him see what others think.

I do have other designs and like Jill's suggestion. Will keep working on him to go a different direction and will let you know.

Pat I did want the honest opinions because I do want to learn and believe that you only learn by getting honest input from others who know more than you.


New Member
Thank's to everyone and I agree with most of the comments here and will let him see what others think.

I do have other designs and like Jill's suggestion. Will keep working on him to go a different direction and will let you know.

Pat I did want the honest opinions because I do want to learn and believe that you only learn by getting honest input from others who know more than you.


Now, to be more serious, a bit of revision to the Jill's logo (That looks awesome BTW).
It is a bit more "elevated" above the rest of the type.


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