I sell signage and signage accessories.
We have an existing customer who had some graphics done by another graphic artist, and they wanted to stick with the theme that is already up in their store. Our GA came up with the version on the left, based on what is there.
After customer came in and "revised" pretty much everything, the end result is on the right.
There is ONE thing that we insisted that she change - initially, she wanted the steaming pile of yogurt to be brown. Didn't have the heart to tell her what it looked like.
InB4 "it burns".
After customer came in and "revised" pretty much everything, the end result is on the right.
There is ONE thing that we insisted that she change - initially, she wanted the steaming pile of yogurt to be brown. Didn't have the heart to tell her what it looked like.
InB4 "it burns".