New Member
And the #1 answer?

We're behind the times here. We have both drive-in theatres and IBC at the grocery store in 6 pack glass bottles. I love IBC Cream Soda.
I don't think Fred's having trouble finding his beverage of choice, but the bottle caps to re-seal them when not finishing off the entire bottle to insure they don't go flat til the next use.
how true that is....nowadays anytime they put NEW in big letters means it sucks MORE....either a smaller package, higher price or less performance.1-Shot with lead.
Oven Cleaner with Lye.
Those were so cool getting donuts and really fresh bread from the Helms man...I miss the Helms bakery trucks... with the long wood draws that pulled out the back and went for miles! All you had to do was put the blue and gold "H" sign in your window and they'd stop in front of your house and honk. Well, that not all you had to do, apparently you were suppose to have your mom permission... and money.