He wasnt asking for something for nothing. Honestly he never responded and might not even care.
I wish I was smart enough to create something like gofundme. They get like 30% of the donations and people think the ones setting up the gofundmes are the shysters.
Well - the suggestions have been that the administrator allow an exception for and/or use administrative discretion in allowing a thread which violated forum policy. Basically members have said that we're heartless, shameful, uncaring, distasteful, shallow & uncharitable. I disagree. And YET (as I previously stated) - No one has stepped up and offered their own charitable contribution in the form of a gifted membership.
As I've stated - I've been given a particular directive by the site owner and am carrying that out to the best of my ability. So is the rest of the Signs101 Moderating Team.
And for the person who referred to the site "owners" ... Make no mistake - There's only one owner of Signs101 and he is the person who sets policy.
And yes! To have invented GoFundMe... Why didn't I think of that??
It's basically a free money racket - with a good chunk of that money going to the owners, who basically have done nothing but provide a space in which to funnel money.
Same with PayPal in a way... It's definitely a good racket - But welcome to 2018, where the world revolves around the great dollar bill.