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UCJV330 Gloss Curing


Shaving goats and eating bushes
I recently had a job I did with spot gloss and the sheets crackled a bit here and I mailed them off to the customer and when he got them they were really stuck together so much that some of the backing paper from the sheet on top stuck to the gloss on the sheet below. It may be a combination of things since they sat in a hot delivery vehicle for a day or two and humidity has been high but I don't feel this should be happening and I'm not sure why. I've done some other gloss jobs and haven't had that happen.

I was using 100% gloss for coverage on them. UV lamp was set to the default state, they didn't really feel tacky when they came off the machine. I'm not really sure what to do other than lower my gloss to like 70% perhaps and turn up my lamps more.

Also I have checked the glass under my lamps and they are clean. I wipe them at the end of the week when I do my normal maintenance.

Also does anyone know what the manual setting under the MAPS does? Seems like it spreads the droplets out and slows it down form what the manual says and that adjusts the quality of the gloss. My gloss looks great but it's just not curing well it seems.
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New Member
Really sorry for that, mate. Honestly this is an old story, everyone has the same problem. They said use less than 30% clear but definitely you won't have enough gloss.