How about this way. Last week, I was paying $100 for a sheet of aluminum. This week it's going to cost me $125. I tell my aluminum distributor, "F*ck you, tell them to eat the cost!" Ya know what he tells me? "Do you want the aluminum or not"
So, let's build some bauxite processing facilities here and start making our own aluminum! Great, dig up some Bauxite. Ok, but there isn't a whole hell of alot around here, Bauxite, Arkansas used to be the largest producer, once they dug it all up, they left town.
Ok, so then lets instead say that we have bauxite, no problem, lets get it process into that sweet sweet american aluminum. One problem, for every 1 ton of aluminum, you get 2-2.5 tons of red mud. Red mud is highly toxic, and has limited applications after further processing. In fact, the US doesn't recognize any useful process for it. So now you have to store toxic sh*t in someone's backyard... Do you want it in your backyard?
I say let china, brazil, and whoever they hell else wants to deal with the processing and storing of the toxic stuff, and let me buy it from them. Don't interject politics into a system that doesn't need it, I just need frigging aluminum.
Geneva, what do you want to do with the aluminum production? (we are not even going to get into aluminum recycling and cans, that's a different racket)