Thank God someone understands things.
I'm trying to stay out of this, but the ignorance and pipe-dream rationale of bringing all manufacturing back to the US or North America in general is astounding.
I'm no economics major but come on, how can some people not grasp how impractical, if not impossible, it is to actually manufacture everything in the US. Have you ever thought about WHY most labor and manufacturing is performed by third world countries?? What's minimum wage in your state? That's a week for some countries. (Not saying that's okay, just saying it how it is) Now apply that to every single product that people buy and suddenly the people that are so excited to bring manufacturing back can't even afford to buy said goods.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for countries doing their own manufacturing, and think it would be awesome for more of that to come back, but are we really prepared to pay 5-10x for the same products just so we can say they were made in the US?? I doubt it. Some things, like tools and equipment sure. But not every day commodities, raw materials, building products, etc.
There is a reason global trade is a thing, and has worked since the beginning of time. Just like us poor Canadians can't grow oranges or plantains, US can't make their own aluminum, etc etc etc - being able to trade (peacefully) between nations is crucial to everyone's survival, and instead it's being manipulated in a ridiculous joke of a power play.
Pretty much this. Surprisingly, most of the back and fourth on here has been pretty civil.... but I've tried to stay out of it because it feels like for the most part, 1 side feels one thing, the other feels another... Those for the tarrifs have a bunch of news snippets parroting how it's going to be good for America.... those against it also have news snippets about how it's going to be bad for it.
But I view it like you do - Theres nothing wrong with bringing jobs back to America... but realistically... Can you do it all at once? And why threaten to Anex canada, and greenland, and panama canal, and a bunch of other places while doing so... Trump isn't a god, but some people act like he is.... Some people can't take anything criticism about how, or what he's doing, because he can't be wrong. I'm not saying thats people on here... Like I said, I'm genuinely surprised the fighting has been as low as it has been.
Another thing to ask yourself, if you're fighting a war... do you fight it on multiple fronts, all at once? IF the goal really was to bring manufacturing and stuff back to USA... Why tarrif everyone, all at once, on pretty much everything? Americas got a good economy, If they were just fighting Canada I'm sure they'd win... But put USA's Economy against Mexico, Canada, Europe, Australia, China, Ireland... Pretty much whatever country is on Trumps mind, all at the same time and you guys are going to lose. But lets say by some miracle of god, its not a loss... Why fight everyone, all at once, and crash the market all at once? it just hurts the people. Not to mention it allows people to team up and hit USA where it hosts the most with co-ordinated efforts and tarrifs... and gives the opportunity for all the countries affected to trade with eachother, instead of cutting them off.
We can talk about crude oil, potash, How canadas pretty much the only aluminum supplier that makes high grade aluminum which USA needs... Dozens of other items, but I think everyone sees and reads that in the news daily. You have all the major manufacturers of vehicles saying its impossible to just move all production over, and it's going to increase vehicle cost by a crapload... So if people don't believe what the "Professionals" are saying, theres no point in arguing aside from a wait and see approach.
BUT if anything, you guys should ask what strategic benefit hitting every country all at once has. Theres either an ulterior motive going on... Or the person in charge doesn't know what he's doing. I used to think he was just an idiot, but the longer this going on I feel like he really wants to Annex Canada into USA. It doesn't explain the other countries he's hitting, but he hasn't shut up about it, every single day theres a post.
Another thing to ask yourself - What if russia, or China, or another big country was imposing tarrifs on USA and said they wont stop until USA becomes a part of China? Maybe you can understand why Canadians feel, and think the way we do about him. And while you're imagining that...go take a look at the trade imbalance of China VS USA.... And ask why china isn't putting tarrifs on USA for being at a 300 billion trade deficit, Chinas came out of being a Third world country, with one of the strongest economies.... So why is a trade deficit bad for America, but china can make it work? Why isnt china screaming theyre being ripped off because USA has a 300 billion deficit? Because Trade is good for both countries... You can throw around terms like Trade deficit and most people will buy into the "being ripped off" because people arent economists, So when theyre told it means theyre being ripped off, and big numbers are thrown around, they believe it.