I like to keep in mind something my son said last race car season to some guy who got in face about how to race. "When you win more races than me, then I'll listen to you. Until then, I'm going to listen to drivers who are winners." - (we were waiting for the fists to fly but the guy just walked away LOL)
Trump has more money than all of us on this forum put together. Clearly, he's a better businessman than all of us. And he didn't get it from being a politician.
By that logic, he's also had more bankrupt companies , defaulted on more payments than everyone in this forum combined.... So he's also the worst businessman than any of us. So what if the country goes the negative way instead of the positive?
Even so... Should the country be run like a business? It feels like it is, but it feels like he's trying to be the big Walmart that eats up and absorbs every other store in the neighborhood.... Something I thought most people were against. Decades of diplomacy and relationships seem to be getting thrown out the window.... I get make America grea again, but it shouldn't be make America great again at the expense of every other country...
See, the more I read people's opinions on here, the more it makes me realize, it's not that people are against what Trump's trying to do, to a certain degree... It's more how he's going about doing it. And I'll be blunt and say it, I know it'll get certain people riled up.... But I really feel like if Trump we're doing what he claims, and what you guys think he's doing, he's very shitty at it and doesn't know what hes doing, and while the sentiment of making America better again is there, and some of the stuff he has done is achieving that... This whole tarrifng the world thing has put you guys in a much worst situation then when you started.
A lot of Republicans, and very vocal trump upporters like Ben Shapiro even (yes, I watch some Shapiro, like I said..I don't disagree with everything) and fox news economy analysts are saying the same thing. A few economists are saying they feel like what's going on is going to make America go into a recession and they can't see the benefit for the country,but they believe Trump is playing 4d chess and just hasn't got to the point where it is better... Even though they don't see how.
A country isn't like a business, you shouldn't play games and take huge risks, it shouldn't be thrive or go bankrupt. Especially when you're willing to take other countries down with you.
Am I biased for being a Canadian? Sure.... I don't see any upside to tarrifs on Canada, for my country or for yours... Only downsides. And it bugs me that he throws out trade "deficits" as proof America is getting screwed, when it doesn't work that way... Then everyone parrots what he says.
Trump's more of a showman than a politician, he knows how to get people to believe he's accomplishing stuff and believe in made up excuses as to why he's accomplishing it....
I tried to stay non political / not bring up trump.l, and just focus on policies and why they're bad... But when the guy calls our prime minister (your equivlant to president) a governor, then freaks out when Trudeau made a personal plea and addressed him as Donald instead of president, constantly threatens to take over Canada and make it the 51st state, as well as do dumb shit like say the USMCA is the worst trade deal ever, who would have signed such a thing.. when it was him who did it and at the time said what a great deal it was for America, he just looks like a crazy man who wants attention when he shouldn't get any.
If you agree with tarrifs, making Canada the 51st state, invading Greenland and taking panama canal by force, that's one thing. But I feel like most Americans, not just democrats, but even Republicans don't.... But trump is so idolized that no one speaks up against it.