Why, because hardly anyone agrees with your point of view ?? Nothing illustrated on his part..... but complete honest truth.
There is more money put into marble floors, chandeliers, ample parking and loading and unloading of students, not to mention enough busses to hold every last kid in that school, in case of emergency. Not a red cent at this point.... goes to books, education or decent teachers. In my area alone, they are divvying up the schools and grades and spending so much money revamping schools built within the last 10 or so years, it ain't even funny. They just built a new school close to where I live. It looks like a prison. If the kids wonder off the grounds, there's a gun range about 1/2 mile away. That'll be interesting come warm weather.Whose fault will that be ?? Oops, let's spend another 3.7 mil on where to plop a school. This looks good, real estate is low. Wonder why ??
Try getting off your high horse and either participating or YOU keep the politics outta it.