R-Tape was aware of the problem and was suppose to make some adjustments a few months ago.
They did! We just picked up a roll and it is junk!!! Not trying to hi-jack this thread BUT......
I wish I could say that it is my imagination, but it is not.
You see, R-Tape is unaware that I have a roll of tape, from the original slittings of the very first conform that we ever used. The majority of what we use 99.5% of the time is 24". The one size that we seldom ever use is 12", but we have one. This particular roll has to be four to five years old. It pulls nicely, adheres nicely, and has a thicker paper.
We started having difficulties some time back. Originally I thought it was our fault for leaving the tape exposed to higher than our usual AC temps. Purchased another roll and it was okay. We purchased an additional roll, and it was fine
until we were 50% through. At that moment the adhesive became very aggressive, and pulling was getting extremely difficult. we managed to complete that roll and just purchased another.
I thought the wife was exxagerating when she called me to try and unroll the tape, after getting set up. What a joke! Pure crap! Managed to get the job done - but not before I ALSO noticed that this paper IS thinner.
I immediately spoke to my distributor (great people). They would bend over backwards to help BUT I am not going to stick them with this roll. First of all I would rather they help us on serious critical matters, not an issue of tape. There profit margins are just not enough for us to warrant raising hell with them AND it is a problem for Coburn to handle (IMO).
I personally even spoke with Coburn, recently. The only thing they want to offer is to dump it all on the distribbutor. Customer service is useless (IMO). Even after one of their reps or managers (Phil Iwinski) left a message for me, I have not been able to reach him after three messages on his voice mail.
Of course Coburn will deny everything, but we know what we know.
At this point, following the lead of another Conform user who also may have experienced problems (neither knew of each others problems), we have ordered a standard roll of 4076 (not 4075) for Monday. We will try that and see where it leads. Looking at there website, there are some new product numbers and I believe they have moved some stuff around.
If this next roll is junk, Coburn WILL have a PR nightmare on their hands.