After testing a few hours using different settings, doing actual size tile segments of around 1m x 1m, I am unable to get a print which has no colour shift between panels.
Attempted fixes thus far;
1) turn on periodic clean (10min)
2) tile in the RIP (VW)
3) tile in Ai
4) print the file at a small scale side by side to ensure no file problems
5) printed using dither
6) printed using error diffusion
7) Bi-di is ok
8) Fill test is ok
9) Nozzle check is ok
10) Using original inks
11) Alternating tiles
note: machine was serviced only a couple of weeks ago, everything aok.
Although the colour variation is slight, I still don't understand why it exists at all. Is this just another one of those things that you live with in wide format print? Should we have to live with it? I personally don't think we should... why should the client pay for a print that changes colour?
The colour is a blue sky. It appears that the fluctuations are in the cyan, as the variation itself is of a blue/purple variety. Looks like it's losing around 5% cyan at times.
Does this warrant some kind of compensation do you think? So much material, ink and time have been wasted as a result. I just feel like I'm going to go through the usual rolodex of troubleshooting one liners - at my expense. I guess that's called product confidence. You never get reimbursed for your time, material or ink with these things, which just aint right.
What's the best way to approach my dealer about this without being a 'pain'?