If someone gave me a home appliance that I could not use for...well .... for other things,l I would not be happy.
if i had a wife (i'm happily divorced), i would consider getting her a latex printer.
i left a set of new pans on the table for my wife on valentine's day last year, and when i got home i didn't see them. I didn't seem the second day either, nor the third.
On the fourth day, the swelling went down enough to where i could see wasn't a happy camper.
Moral of the story...always get your wife something "dainty" if you're going to buy her something useful.
I left a set of new pans on the table for my wife on Valentine's Day last year, and when I got home I didn't see them. I didn't seem the second day either, nor the third.
On the fourth day, the swelling went down enough to where I could see wasn't a happy camper.
Moral of the story...ALWAYS get your wife something "dainty" if you're going to buy her something useful.
If I had a wife (I'm happily divorced), I would consider getting her a latex printer.
Ok, Cheap - MARRY ME right now - As soon as I get the printer I'll file for divorce ... btw could you pay for that as well, honey? We'll just slip that on the honey do list ...
I luv it when chicks call me CHEAP. And a latex fetish to boot
Under New Jersey statue 3M:TA3 it clearly stipulates that the spouse would only receive 1/2. I'm assuming that latex printers would fall under this.
So... if I purchased a 120" model that would leave us both with 60 inches.
I'm haggling with the priceline negotiator in another window planning our trip to Vegas right now.