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Welcome Back OP!! )))))))))))))))))))))))))


Premium Subscriber
I hope you change that vegan diet of yours and start eating healthy. You need more red meat, carcinogens and booze. You need to stay up later at night and start cutting apart more junk cars. Once you get a regiment going of priorities, you'll be back to normal and not feeling so tired. Oh yeah, get a bottle of Geritol. :omg:

Hey, :Welcome: back from the other side ya old kook......... did ya see any lights ??​


New Member
So good to see you )))))))))))))))) back!)))))))))

Hope )))))))))) you are (((((((((((soon back to ////)))) full speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(OK, sorry for the scribbling, who am I kidding, I certainly don't have YOUR style, I am only an artist wannabee)


New Member
man what a bad weekend. sat i developed a painful stomach ache. i used to have these, many years ago, but coupled with my present condition seemed like the pain was way worse. wound up ijn the E.R. bout 10:30 pm, didnt do much for the stomach ache but got the difib tech who came in and readjusted my new one. they cut me loose but 4AM and i came home and slept. well next day sun, bout 5 pm the stomach pain starts again. i delt with it till 4 am and took some ipecac trying to empty my stomach. not much, but i wont do that again!!! bout 10 pm sun i got hennie to get me some EX-LAX,DOCOLAX, i doubled the exlax dose, and took 2 docalax. spent a miserable nite till 6 AM....i wont go into detail, but the laxatives did their job. iam supposed to taking a couple stool softners a day and i hadnt since i got home. wont do that AGAIN EITHER!!!! SLEPT MOST OF THE DAY AWAY, had a wendys frosty, part of a wendy's baked potato, then for supper i had CHICKEN SOUP. went back to bed and got up bout 1/2 hour ago and feeling great. tomorrow should be wonderful.


Quit buggin' me
Sounds like you need to be pretty careful with what you put in and how it comes out.
Did they give you an owner's manual for all the new parts they installed?

Good that you are fighting the good fight, keep it up.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
yep....got that and a wireless monitor. hooks to a phoneline, as long as iam 6" to 6 feet from it they can connect to my difib and read or adjust how its working. I AM ROBO COP)))))))


New Member
Good to hear your pulling through like a champ, amazing how much can change in a couple weeks, so happy for your recovery.


New Member
yep....got that and a wireless monitor. hooks to a phoneline, as long as iam 6" to 6 feet from it they can connect to my difib and read or adjust how its working...

That's amazing technology. I'm happy that you're a participant with it and on the road to an incredible recovery. :thumb:


New Member
yep....got that and a wireless monitor. hooks to a phoneline, as long as iam 6" to 6 feet from it they can connect to my difib and read or adjust how its working. I AM ROBO COP)))))))

Stay away from microwaves!
Just kidding,

Take care of yourself. Best wishes from down south.


New Member
OP............))))))))))))) I look for a post first thing every morning just to be sure you're OK. Keep up the recovery program. So glad to have you back.

PS: Cheney is looking for a heart transplant..........))))))))))))))). Maybe you can get a new one and send your's to him>..........))))))))))))).


New Member
thanks to all. just an update. good days bad days, yesterday i got over-tired, doin to much couldnt rest. finally went to sleep/rest this afternoon, woke up at 5:30 pm and felt great.
i cooked supper, pasta with a red sauce and tofu crumbles, good comfort food. was out in the garden for the 1st time since i been home. garden is producing this!!!!


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New Member
great to hear from you again!

I've been playing drums with a worship group...I don't want to offend anyone saying too much right here... but my friends there have been following your story & pulling for you (along with the big guy) ...and they were as happy for your rebound as I was... I told them about your future DVD plans... we're looking forward to that for sure!!


Quit buggin' me
Nice veggies OP.

See if you can find & post the IP address of your wireless defibrillator so we can track you with Google earth or On Star....

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
It's great when you can apreciate the simple things in life. I am envious of your climate! Awesome veggies OP :thumb:


New Member
been to key-bec, couple times. beautiful city. i was stationed in the air force at LORING A.F.B. MAINE. drove to key-bec couple times. also drove up to CAMPBELLTON/DELHOUSIE, such beautiful country..........BUT TOO FRIGGIN COLD))))))))))


New Member
garden is producing this!!!!

geez, nice to have such good looking veggies! we took a ride last weekend and there was stills snow on the ground when we went up over a nearby mountain. it will be months before we get any home grown veggies!!! enjoy them!!!))))))