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What did you all get?


Quit buggin' me
I got some very festive, bright red boxer-briefs that I may, or may not, model on my Geriatric Onlyfans channel.


Active Member
I got nothing! And happy about it.

I think X-mas should be for kids. Adults can buy whatever they want... so odds are whatever gift you get goes in a drawer or bin somewhere never to be used, and all the money you spent on someone else is just doing the same thing.

corporate gifts are a bit different... We give out wine / wine bottle openers, etc to all our good customers. We got a few gift baskets in return, but thats it.


Active Member
I think X-mas should be for kids. Adults can buy whatever they want

Not all adults can buy whatever they want.

Gift giving, even spontaneous gift giving regardless if it's for a child or for an adult does deliver endorphins that actually have a health benefit. It's a good "high" if you will. Some people wrap it up into a culture aspect(Japanese are big on gift giving throughout the year with their culture), westerners have Xmas.

While the "high" doesn't come with every gift that one gives everyone (that goes for kids and for adults), I wouldn't so quickly dismiss the good benefits that it can bring as well and just stick with one demographic.

There is a good "high" though from people that give and for people that receive gifts.

Stacey K

I like making signs
My parents bought me this speaker thing per my sister telling me I NEEDED it...she was right. This thing rocks! I can't believe how loud it is, my neighbors can't hear me sign because I can't either LOL


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Very Active Signmaker
A lump of coal and my two front teeth.
From what I heard teeth are expensive... sounds like you made out.
My parents bought me this speaker thing per my sister telling me I NEEDED it...she was right. This thing rocks! I can't believe how loud it is, my neighbors can't hear me sign because I can't either LOL
I got one of those last year! They are really loud and have decent sound for how small they are. It connects to my phone and I stream from it and play it in the shop.


Graphics Department
I got the same thing I get every year, as shown in the photo. Sure, I bought it, and then cooked it... but the result is still a gift! And it keeps on giving, as there are still leftovers. Oh, and a travel mug & a bag of Dunkin' coffee. :)


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I'm here for Educational Purposes
I got a back massager, that you put on a chair, or the couch. I also got a yoga mat, to go with my Nordic Track cross fit training... No more beach towel for me!


Head bathroom cleaner.
I got a few new guns. Christmas isn't complete without guns and ammo. The shop got a new printer, screw compressor, and almost finished 2nd location. The bucket truck got some new install tools. The kiddo got a metric shit ton of stuff.


Professional Snow Ninja
Got some awesome little stuff that I'd mentioned throughout the year (my husband keeps a running list on his phone of things I say I want!!), but I was probably most excited about the Paint Puck. It's going to make my arting easier. I also got a new-to-me vehicle last Wednesday, but that wasn't a gift. I had to pay for it. hahahahaha