I even Photoshopped one in the pic too to show my fiance how it was done.
Is there really an app?! lol.....I don't have a smart phone, I may have to tell him then, he has a smart phone... but i don't want to hurt my customers feelings cause he's really into the ghost thing (watches ghost hunters ) and really nice.
I had another customer that owned a funeral home. He said there was a gentleman that died and did not want any flowers at the funeral. The children reluctantly got one that sat on the open casket. Midway through the viewing they fell on the "body"
I believe in ghost.

I also believe in freaking bigfoot too

Taking out the trash at night down a long dark driveway was horrible growing up! Especially having nothing but woods in the back! I always thought something was going to run out so i'd sprint with the trash can to get back into the house! lol