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what fonts have the whips and tails??


New Member
i guess thats what you would call them. Trying to find some that have these special characters, such as the one in the logo below.

any suggestions on a few good ones?



  • BRG&RC Logo 2-color vF.jpg
    BRG&RC Logo 2-color vF.jpg
    127.8 KB · Views: 418


keptquiet said:
i guess thats what you would call them. Trying to find some that have these special characters, such as the one in the logo below.

any suggestions on a few good ones?


Some fonts are Sans Serif which means it doesn't have the "whips and tails"


odonnelljandc said:
Some fonts are Sans Serif which means it doesn't have the "whips and tails"

Oooops, I thought you meant the other fonts in that example.:Oops:


New Member
so the fonts with these are called serifs, the whips and tails i mean? and sans serif means without the whips and tails?

for us not in the know, what are the major font catagories?



New Member
It's a nice design. Just be sure to remove the apendage on the lower case "L" and the last "e". They shouldn't be there when there's no connector from the previous letter.


New Member
There are three basic categories of fonts: Serif, Sans-Serif and Script.

Serif – A serif font is one that has serifs or the extra tails on the end of each letter. The most popular serif font is Times Roman, others include Bookman, Century, Garamond, Lucida and Palatino. The list goes on.

– A sans-serif font does not the serifs or extra pieces at the ends of the letters. The most popular sans-serif font is Arial, others include Century Gothic, Helvetica, Lucida Sans, Tahoma and Verdana.

– A script font is one that tries to emulate handwriting. Some script fonts are Brush Script (ugh), Edwardian Script, Freestyle Script, French Script, Papyrus and Vivaldi.

There's LOTS more to say on this, but this is generally what you're after.


New Member
Lookee, Lookee,

I learned something in university. I think your 'whips and tails' are know as...

swashes. A character that has an inordinately long 'finish' that is called a swash.
Correct me if I am wrong.


A definitive list of fonts with alternative characters that swash is hard to find. Get to know an art director who will tell you they know everything about type. Leech off of them. :biggrin:



New Member

Those d@mn agency art directors get paid the big bucks for their...swashes.

Like I said, leech off them. Make them feel important and take their knowledge for free. Makes for a satisfying day. :tongue:

If you really want to have a laugh, get to know an architect who thinks they are a graphic designer. Hahaha, they oft don't know the first thing about design and less about getting the image installed on the building or site.
Again, more big buck$ in areas they are untrained.



New Member
I'm glad Colin brought up the apendages on the l and e. Fonts for the computer are used off the rack by a lot of sign makers and it drives me crazy. Those little connectors are there when you need them but should come off when they are being used. Also kerning is a big thing with me. Just got a "logo" from as customer with the word Washland in it. As you can probably all ready guessed, the space between the "W" and the "a" are all wrong but the font they picked as a funny space between the "L" and the "a" so it reads W ashl and. Really a pretty logo! The general public doesn't really know what is wrong with this but they do know something isn't right. When you see something that just doesn't feel right and you don't know why, you end up with a negative feeling about what you are looking at. So it's more than just using fonts correctly.

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
ANYTHING ya wanna know about fonts, flourishes on 'em, variations, etc, ask SteveC (Signs101 member and the artist behind signfonts.com). I guarantee ya - just like the Blue Bell Ice Cream people who eat the best for themselves and sell the rest - that's SteveC with the incredible fonts he uses exclusively for his own work! I have to live in his neighborhood and drool over what he does.


New Member
Actually those parts extending above and below the baseline are called ascenders and descenders i believe


New Member
We were talking about the nodes on the sides of the letters that string one letter into another, not the descenders. The nodes are there when you need to connect letters together but should come off the end letters where they aren't needed to make a connection.


Fred Weiss said:
Go sit in the corner for one hour!!!

An hour....But Teeeeecher....
stompin' off to the corner with the lower lip thing happenin'<STOMPING happenin? thing lip lower big the with off>
I learned that from my 4 and 5 year old. hehe


New Member
yep, whips and tails, thats all i knew to call them! :smile:

does anyone know of a collection or more than two that fred mentioned? i could use a few of them, and im working on a sandblasted sign right now that would look good using them, and if im buying, i usually like to buy more than one font at a time because its just more cost effective.
