New Member
I have a repeat customer of mine that does maintenance and body work for fleet companies. He recently just picked up a new contract and they asked him if he could do lettering. He said yes and contacted me. They are looking to do a bunch of these trucks and would like a flat rate for the installs on them. The back of the truck is 26' long. The flag that goes on the back is 89" x 69" and the problem I see is it ends up where the doors are and the bars that lock the doors closed. There are 3 doors on each truck, 1 on the drivers side and 2 on the passengers side. I have never installed someone elses decals before, so I was wondering what you guys would charge for something like this? I dont mind being on the high side as it looks like a PITA. Im thinking a day and a half with 3 guys. Any help is highly appreciated