Whats the best way to ask the customer for their logo in a vector format?
And if they don't have it in vector format, whats the best way to go from there??
Whats the best way to ask the customer for their logo in a vector format? Most of them look at me like I am crazy. And if they don't have it in vector format, whats the best way to go from there??
Get the logo in what ever format they have it and send it to Eric at the Vector Doctor. s'what I do all the time.
If the logo isnt too ditorted goto www.vectormagic.com and they can fix it
Tell em it'll cost em $120 to rework their file and they soon start ringing their designer if they had one.
First off you need to establish a complete understanding of exactly what it is that you are talking about, vector is NOT a format! It is a type of computer graphic image, no wonder they are so confused, how can you expect the customer to understand what your talking about if you are using incorrect terms?
Vector graphics formats are complementary to raster graphics, which is the representation of images as an array of pixels, as it is typically used for the representation of photographic images.[1] There are instances when working with vector tools and formats is the best practice, and instances when working with raster tools and formats is the best practice. There are times when both formats come together.
I am dealing with this once again and it is so frustrating.
I do have a deposit, but it was with the understanding that their designer would send me the proper files.
Just doing a search instead of asking this same question....again.