The font is Tekton, which is fairly common. Might even be on your machine already.
As for the fish, if you want to get a little CSI, look at the water around the tail of the fish, that messy zig-zagging. I'll bet you that was set up in less than five minutes on whatever machine it was that did the embroidery. Now I don't know if you've got just this one example, or if Mr. Pack has 10,000 of these shirts/hats/napkins/whatever sitting around, but that kind of shoddy stuff makes me think that this might possibly have been made at one of those little kiosks in a shopping mall. Maybe stop by one of those things and see if they've got the fish artwork there? If the kid running the thing is disgruntled enough, he/she might even give you the file if you show up with a thumb drive.