I am new to vinyl cutting and printing on vinyl but I have worked in the printing industry before and I don't really understand why anyone would go this route. I would recommend you farm the job out to someone who makes standard stickers/labels from the offset printing industry as you are going to be spending more on input costs for this job than the finished product would cost from that sector. That is just my gut feeling, though, because I obviously don't know the availability of things in your area, and how much competition keeps offset printing high or low in cost compared to this. That may be a factor for you as well. Just my two cents worth is all. Work smarter not harder when possible, right? I also haven't seen what the customer is expecting the finished piece to look like. If they have a sample and say "I want it exqactly like this", thenyeah, sometimes you just go with "the customer is always right" and don't ask questions.