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Welcome back.

I hear what you're saying.... about being new here...... but I do remember you being here before. In fact, we had some conversations back and forth which I haven't forgotten and still intend to take you up on.... your original offer
As Dan has put it.... I don't see a way to disagree with you without an argument. Most of what you've stated is one side of a story.... your side. You have what it takes to be a spokesman for someone, but you've hopped around so much lately.... I can't find a way to see all of these theories and plans working and not working until I see the facts from the other points of view
All this slapping each other on the back stuff is all fine and good, but it doesn't make me feel any easier that you're saying it and we're just supposed to gobble it all up. It is, after all, like you said business and money... and we all know what walks and what talks when those two variables come face to face.
I wholeheartedly agree, this industry needs to get some foundations or standards going, but not just from one small aspect of the industry. Broaden your scope a little there Serg and include the LED's, the sandblasting, neon bending, pricing, trade show displays, quoting and other much needed skills such as designing and knowledge of one's own trade. To focus just on wraps is a little odd.... unless you don't understand the need across the board.
With your agenda, it sounds to me, unless one is certified, you want any shop without certification to eventually not be able to purchase the materials or perhaps even the equipment to do wraps. Therefore impounding on what shops can and can not do based on a industry certification act.
No one is doubting anyone else's ability to do wraps. The customer is who needs to make that decision and however a shop wants to sell themselves... well, that will come back to bite them and make it easier for those shops that do well in that particular area.
Whenever I see a bad designs or a bad installation , I cringe a little.... but that can't stop me or anyone else from making a living, just because they aren't up to your or some industry level. We all work at our comfort zone and try to rise above the bar you mentioned. That will only happen from classes to help educate and experience, not from a three day course that costs too much.
We had two people working for us over the years... both of whom were 3M certified and the one girl even had an extended advanced extra two day course. She couldn't do squat. She was terrible. We had to let her go because she simply couldn't do anything. So much for 3M certification. The other guy was Okay, but nothing to write home about.
We have another part-timer that comes in from time to time to help us and he's terrific... and in all areas I might add. It's a distance thing with him or we'd offer him a full time job.
So two out of three were bad news..... can you tell me why.