not too sure why that's funny as the places they will use this stuff are the same places that have ADA signs. additives in paint are becoming a problem for double sided tape appilcations
That's exactly why it's funny. Anything anyone does to improve things, always seems to impact on our industry.
Hey Charlie, let's make these trucks more appealing, let's not have any level lines on them whatsoever. Everything should bow and go on angles. Okay. While we're at it, can we put all kinds of indentations on them, too ??
Hey Bill...... I think we should make this canvas awning material resistant to everything from bird poop to paint.
Hey Carly, why don't we take all the crap in paint, that makes it paint out and just be done with it ?? Too many people eating the paint chips. Let's make it palatable. Well George, they have vinyl now, so let them use that instead.
Yo..... Sid, if we substitute all these repellent additives in the paint and add some medicine, we can sell it to schools and hospitals and tell them it will make people well.
Yep, that's the ticket.