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Window Perf on HP L25500

Tim Aucoin

New Member
So, I have found this AMAZING new (to me) window perf product for the L25500. It's called ContraVision Performance. White on Black polymeric vinyl with Grayliner. It prints absolutely beautifully with the Latex inks (once I get the printer to recognize that it's actually loaded!!) :banghead: Which leads me to my question...

Has anyone had issues loading window perf on the L25500/L26500? It loads just fine, but when the head comes over to scan it, it gives an error message saying it can't detect the edges of the media. Now, maybe the solution I am using is the proper one, but am wondering if anyone else has ideas. What I did was run masking tape up both outside edges around 3 feet... the printer then seems to detect the edges and it loads fine. Then I just advance the media... peel off the tape, rewind the media and print away! :rolleyes:

I have attached a pic of the beautiful print. This is one of three panels I am running. 37.5" x 91" finished size each. I am laminating them using a product called DOL 1560 Optically clear laminate. Laminating them on my BRAND NEW Seal 54EL Laminator :clapping: Runs like a charm and laminates like there's no tomorrow!

Thanks for any suggestions if they are different than my masking tape fix! :thumb:


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New Member
It needs a paper liner. The clear poly liners that some brands use don't work so well, either the machine can't recognize that there is media loaded. Also, I noticed the edges curled and were rubbing against the head with the synthetic liner. I switched to a paper liner and prints great.


New Member
We use a paper liner and the only problem we have had is that if you leave it loaded and shut down your machine then restart it so far every time we have a head strike jam that destroys about 8 in of material and it terrible for the print heads.


New Member
i have found that issue as well , if you leave media loaded it buckles and the carriage hits on next boot. happens most with HP PhotoReal paper. happens during drying as well which sucks on overnight whole roll prints.

as for perf we have always used white backing and it works fine.


New Member
I've found the same thing, our one-way vision prints brilliantly on the latex but it's a PITA to load. It usually takes 2-5 loads before it'll realise it can't be detected and asks for the width.


Merchant Member
We have been using a paper lined grimco perf on our LX850 with great results so far. Added a bit more heat for drying...not 100% sure what I set it at...but works very well. 850 I know is a different beast, but so far we have done a lot of printing on it with very little issue. The white paper liner makes it easy to read.