Linksys is becomming a good choice.
D-link is good too ,, While it is very easy for a newbie, it is limited on certain functions. Its good for a home system that does not anticipate adding on extra functions. Very economical. You would be happy if you just want a good wireless access and maybe a couple other settings for certain applications that need web access.
Most extra port accesses are preset by the factory. This could cause you some frustraton. For example. FTP's use port 21 by default. However, Many experienced FTP users prefer to use ports in the 5000 range or higher for security. This is because port scanners look for access to your machine thru ports 21. You have just 3 extra port assignment open for your choice.
On the other hand. A linksys router would be for a user who wants his network to operate without any limitations. Linksys has an abundance of port forwarding and port triggering. Some do not know what port triggering is. But, there may come a time when you do and you will be very upset if your router doe not have it.
This router is easy to operate if you need to go to set access for applications. It is easy to set up the WAP encryption functions. This be may be the choice if you have any plans to expand your network capabilities. For example. Many will use FTP, chat systems, and web access possibilities in the future. Some will find a need for other unique applications that require web access thru a router system that allows complete freedom to assign application accesses. .
Side notes: Many firewall first time users are alarmed to see so many warning attacks on their machines. Almost all this is harmless background noise. Some is scanners looking for a compromised computer. Properly set routers block these scans and background noise.
The difference between a router and a router / switch.
Very basic: A router allows access to the net but divides the band width between all users. A couple of heavy users will soon see slow downs.
A "switch" is a router but it does not divide the bandwidth. Every point on the network gets full speed. You will not see a speed reduction.
A way of securing your wireless network from outs side users or from outside phone signals. There are people that drive around looking for unsecured wireless networks and do all kinds of deeds using your network.
Have fun..