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wrinkling in laminated perf

Spencer McMurtry

New Member

I just laminated some solvent 50/50 window perf with clearfocus ClearLam perf 54" on a cold laminating.

As i was laminating i was rolling it up (print side in) only minutes later after laminating there are lines of wrinkles in the lamination. Is this common? Will this go away over time? Please advise.

I am attaching pictures.

It was printed on jv33 the ink dried 24 hours.



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New Member
I would almost think the lam is defective. I cant say for sure that it will go away. They look like very thin creases so they may be permanent

Wiggum PI

New Member
yeah, perf in general doesn't play nice being rolled face in, and the fact that you done it straight off the laminator would be your issue im guessing.

sfr table hockey

New Member
I too think that rolling it image side in was the issue.

I think any media laminated would do similar if not worse when rolled image in.

You could try to heat the creases and see if they let loose so you can press them flat. It's worth a try as they are no good this way.
Most times the crease will not let loose or the adheasive will release instead off one side and then you will not have anything to keep that spot from lifting.

Just remember any cut vinyl on banners etc. or anything laminated should be rolled image out.


New Member
This is tunneling. Rolling it face out will help, but you may get tunneling between the back liner and the print. If you do not as big a deal.


New Member
face in did it, perf has a lower surface area to start so rolling face in is more likely than other adhesives to pull the lam off.

I roll all my laminated stuff facing out no matter how long it has to sit.


Rap Master
always, always, always roll laminated prints image side out. Had it happen once when I laminated a big sign order in a rush... everything tunneled & had to be re-rushed. :(
Some lessons you learn the hard way.

Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
Nope. Rolling laminated cast vinyl won't do that if you roll it face in. But due to only 50% of the laminate stuck to the perf...the other half wants to buckle.
It's because it's perf for sure.


New Member
I had the same problem with that lam and didn't roll the print at all left it flat. Different perf brand but same lam. I had a lot of trouble just getting the lam to go on smooth. In my environment I shouldn't even bother with sheet lam just spray lam but my boss likes the glossy effect the lam creates.

Spencer McMurtry

New Member
I relaminated again rolling the print face side out and the issues where not anywhere near as bad, but they where still happening.

From all of my research so far i am thinking it is the clearlam, I am going to try a different brand of laminate. Any recommendations on what laminate? i read some people are using 3m 8518 does that work? My plan is to buy oracal 290F, has anyone used this?

please advise on what laminate you feel is best, also is the solvex perf good?


CL Graphics

New Member
the laminate is the problem. i had the some that tunneled before we rolled it. We heated the tunnels out when installing. About a month after the install it had huge tunnels everywhere. Tore it off and reprinted using lamex from fellers. no problems since. Any good cast laminate should work.


New Member
Is the laminate you used cast or calenderd? In fact I wonder if the optically clear I have used in the past is cast....by the way they price it, it should be