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Guy came in last week to get some numbers for his truck. 4 number 3's at 4" high. Turned it around in about 2 hours for him. Paid me $45 green backs. He came in Monday to discuss some posters he needs for walls at his company. 2' x 3' one-sided with simple copy and some pictures. Took me about 20 minutes to put the layout together. He said he wanted them down & dirty, so I figured Cor-X. He asked how much ?? I was doodling on a pad and he said, can you do the 4 of them for $400 ?? $100 each ?? Yeah, Okay, I'll cut ya some slack. About 1/2 hour of printing and less than 1/2 hour of computer time and he pays cash. He asked if he could have them by Thursday. Sure, I'll gang 'em in with something else. He is so frickin' happy...... I can't get over it.
Just hadda share it. It's gonna be a great weekend.
Just hadda share it. It's gonna be a great weekend.